How to de-register & deactivate PayFast via iBanking?

You can de-register mobile number/email address and deactivate PayFast at Transfer Settings via DBS iBanking.

Please follow the below steps to de-register mobile number/email address and deactivate PayFast:

Step 1: De-register Mobile Number or Email Address

  1. Login to iBanking

  2. Select “Transfer”, then select “Transfer Setting”

  3. Select “Receive Funds with Mobile” or “Receive Funds with Email” which is registered with PayFast (Mobile Number is registered as in below example)

  4. Click “Deregister”

  5. De-registration completed.

  6. Note: You have to repeat the above steps to de-register Email Address if you have registered both.

Step 2: Deactivate PayFast

  1. In “Transfer Settings” page, select “PayFast”

  2. Click “Deactivate”

  3. Click “DEACTIVATE”

  4. Deactivation completed.

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