Alert Service of Securities Order Confirmation

You may find the general enquiries related to alert service of Securities Order Confirmation.

When can I start using Securities Order Confirmation service?

You can set up your Securities Order Confirmation service via DBS iBanking.

To do so:

  1. Choose "Preferences" > "Subscribe for / Change Securities Order Confirmation" from the menu.

  2. Complete the setup as instructed. Your setup will take effect immediately.

Alternatively, you can complete the Alert Service Request Form and return it to any of our branches in person to setup the service. Your request will normally be processed within four business days from our receipt of your duly completed form.

When will I receive a Securities Order Confirmation?

You will receive a Securities Order Confirmation when:

  1. Your securities trading order has been sent to the market and being executed, amended, cancelled or rejected.

  2. Your order amendment or cancellation is rejected after it has been sent to the market.

How can I change the settings of the Securities Order Confirmation service?

You can change the settings of the Securities Order Confirmation service via DBS iBanking.

To do so:

  1. Choose "Preferences" > "Subscribe for / Change Securities Order Confirmation" from the menu.

  2. Click on "Amend Securities Order Confirmation".

  3. input your new settings as instructed. Your changes will take effect immediately.

Alternatively, you can complete the Alert Service Request Form and return it to any of our branches in person to change the settings. Your request will normally be processed within four business days from our receipt of your duly completed form.

How can I stop receiving Securities Order Confirmations?

You can stop your Securities Order Confirmation service via DBS iBanking.

To do so:

  1. Choose "Preferences" > "Subscribe for / Change Securities Order Confirmation" from the menu.

  2. Click on "Unsubscribe from Securities Order Confirmation".

  3. Complete the cancellation as instructed. Your cancellation will take effect immediately.

Alternatively, you can complete the Alert Service Request Form and return it to any of our branches in person to stop the service. Your request will normally be processed within four business days from our receipt of your duly completed form.

Can I register a foreign mobile phone number to receive Securities Order Confirmations?


Can I register a mobile phone number or an e-mail address different from that of my personal record with the Bank to receive Securities Order Confirmations?

Yes, but it is not recommended. While your mobile phone number for iBanking One-Time Password must be same as the mobile number for Securities Order Confirmation.

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