FAQ for the Termination of DBS COMPASS VISA Annual Fee Waiver for Cheung Kong Group Staff

  1. When will the DBS COMPASS VISA annual fee waiver for Cheung Kong Group staff be terminated?
  2. The annual fee waiver will be terminated on 30 April 2024.

  3. How much is the annual fee of DBS COMPASS VISA?
  4. The prevailing annual fees of DBS COMPASS VISA principal card and supplementary card are HK$1,800 and HK$900 per card respectively.

  5. When will my DBS COMPASS VISA be charged with the annual fee?
  6. The annual fee will be charged to your DBS COMPASS VISA account on the anniversary of the account opening date.

  7. How can I find out about the annual fee?
  8. The annual fee charge will be displayed on your monthly statement.

  9. How to apply for annual fee waiver?
  10. For details, please click here to visit "Request credit card fee waiver" website.

  11. What are the card features of DBS COMPASS VISA?
  12. For details, please click here to visit DBS COMPASS VISA website.

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