Amend or delete scheduled bill payment through DBS digibank HK

You may amend or delete your scheduled bill payment DBS digibank HK.

How to view or manage scheduled transactions

  1. Log in and go to Pay & Transfer > Scheduled Transaction > One-Time Tab
  2. Filter the payment status for your easy reference, e.g. "Pending", "Completed", "Rejected", etc.
  3. Select an existing scheduled transaction
  4. You can view the details of the scheduled transaction, or tap "Amend" to amend the details, e.g. the amount, the transaction date, etc.
  5. Confirm amendment details

How to cancel scheduled bill payment

  1. Log in and go to Pay & Transfer > Scheduled Transaction > One-Time Tab
  2. Select an existing scheduled transaction
  3. Tap "Delete" to cancel

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