It is a promise to repay a loan – a legally sophisticated IOU. Indeed, in some technical textbooks, it is described as a “negotiable promissory note”.
Generally, bonds offer lower rates of returns than stock/shares. The simple reason behind this is the risk-reward trade-off. The lower the risk, the lower the returns. The higher the risk, the higher the returns.
When you buy a bond, you are lending money to a corporation or a government entity. Bonds generally make a series of interest payments as specified in the terms of the bond issue, followed eventually by repayment of the initial “loan”, which is also called the “principal”.
Bonds are lower risk than equities (aka stocks or shares) to the extent there is a legal obligation for the company to pay bond holders their regular “coupon” ahead of any payment of dividends to shareholders. In the event of a corporate failure, the company will pay bondholders first before leaving whatever is left, on winding up of a company, to shareholders.
But there are different grades of risk even within the “bonds” asset class. Not all bonds are created equal. There are government bonds, which generally tend to be safer than corporate bonds. Why? Because governments’ finances are backed by taxation powers over an economy. But note that some of the biggest companies in the world have a higher credit rating than some governments.
So, governments’ credit worthiness differs greatly. For example, Singapore government securities (bonds) enjoy the highest credit rating of AAA. The credit rating of the Government of Greece on the other hand ranges from Ba to BBB, depending on the ratings agency. To cut through the jargon, Greek government securities are “junk bonds”, which means they carry significant risk of default. So, you get much higher payoffs from Greek government bonds compared to Singapore government securities. That’s the risk-reward trade-off.
The “par value” or the “face value” is the amount that the bond issuer has borrowed from the investor. The “coupon” is the fixed rate of interest to be paid by the issuer of the bond to the investor multiplied by the par value or the face value of the bond. So, if an investor buys a bond at par value US$1m and a coupon of 3%, he/she should receive annual interest payments of 3% of US$1m. That is, US$30,000.
That is the investor’s “fixed income” per year – hence bonds are also described as “fixed income investments”. These bonds are also typically tradeable. The market price is usually different from the “par value” or “face value”. So, the “current yield” of a bond is the annual interest payments of the bond divided by the bond’s current market price.
Bonds generally come with lower risk than stocks. But it doesn’t mean they are “no risk” assets. Bonds issuers do default due to financial difficulties. And when a bond issuer goes broke, remember that most bonds on the market are unsecured – meaning they are not backed up by the borrower’s pledge of a specific asset, which passes into the hands of secured lenders in the event of a default. Unsecured bond holders will only get what is left after secured lenders have taken what’s due to them.
Three key reasons are:
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