A broadening rally for S&P 500 on the cards. In our asset allocation chapter, we opined that despite the strong rally this year, valuation for non-technology companies on the S&P 500 are looking fair from a historical standpoint. Therefore, a broadening rally for the US market is plausible and some of the drivers include:
Beneficiaries of broadening trend – energy and materials. To help investors position for a potential broadening of the rally, we conducted a basic screening exercise for sectors on the S&P 500. The criteria comprised: (1) sectoral performance since the market trough on 27 Oct 2023, and (2) investors’ sectoral allocation in US equity portfolios.
Listed below are our findings:
In our US sector allocation, we are upgrading energy to overweight and in the event of a broadening rally, we believe the sector will be a geared beneficiary given:
Additionally, we are also upgrading materials to neutral as we believe the sector will be another geared beneficiary of a broadening rally and the drivers are:
S&P 500 share buybacks to rise in 2024 as earnings rebound. Based on data from S&P Global, share buybacks for S&P 500 totalled USD576.1bn in 3Q23 and this constitutes a 19% y/y decline from 3Q22. This should not come as a surprise as share buybacks historically correlate with corporate earnings and the latter was down 0.9% last year (on a full year basis).
By the same token, given consensus expectation of 10% earnings growth this year, we would expect share buybacks to see meaningful rebound as well. Communications services and energy have the highest buyback yield of 4.7%, followed by financials at 2.8%. On a combined yield basis (consisting of dividends and buybacks), the highest are energy (8.2%), communications services (5.8%), and financials (4.7%).
2Q24 US Sector Strategy – Upgrading energy and materials; Downgrading financials and real estate
Strong performance of CIO’s sectoral calls persisted in 1Q24. Our overweight calls registered average total returns of 9.3% in 1Q24 (as of 11 Mar), outperforming our neutral calls by 6.5 %pts and underweight calls by 4.5 %pts. Within our overweight basket, technology registered the largest gains of 10.9%, followed by communications services at 10.6%, and financials at 8.2%. Healthcare, traditionally a defensive sector, also garnered healthy gains of 7.4% during the quarter.
In our neutral basket, the biggest drag on performance was the real estate space (-0.2%) while within the underweight calls, the main underperformer was utilities (+1.1%).
Maintain conviction view on tech-related plays; Turning positive on energy. Our high conviction call on tech-related sectors has paid off handsomely and we maintain our positive view on this space. Despite the strong run-up since late last year, we believe the strong momentum will persist given:
Separately, we are also upgrading energy to overweight given (1) improving ROE, (2) high dividend and buyback yield, and (3) light portfolio positioning and low expectations. This overweight positioning will be funded by our downgrade of financials to neutral. In addition, we are also upgrading materials to neutral on expectations of an economic soft landing and this shift will be funded by our downgrade of real estate to an underweight.
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