To enhance security and comply with the requirements of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”), all DBS magnetic stripe ATM cards / DBS ATM chip cards with PLUS services (“Old Card”) will be replaced with DBS ATM chip cards with UnionPay services (“New Card”). All Old Cards will be disabled by the end of March 2014.
Upon performing your first transaction with your New Card, your Old Card will be disabled1. You can continue to enjoy the ATM services currently available to you with your New Card. There will be no change to your existing Personal Identification Number (PIN), accounts linked to your ATM card, daily cash withdrawal limit and bills registered for Payment by Phone Service (PPS) (if any). Please note that you must use the New Card via ATM or EPS within 4 months from the issue date of the New Card mailer, after which the New Card may become invalidated2.
If you have any enquiries, please refer to the following FAQ or call our Customer Service Hotline during business hours at (852) 2290 8802.
FAQ for ATM Chip Card Replacement
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited Nov 2013