
Sign up for the promotion now by joining DBS BusinessClass and answering the specified questions in the form. We will select 3 answers that best illustrate the importance of sustainable development and apply them to practical work. These 3 winners will receive one complimentary admission to the "Sustainability Leadership Programme" co-organized by he Chinese University of Hong Kong and the SME Sustainability Society.

立即登記參加推廣活動及成為 DBS BusinessClass 會員,並回答表格裡的指定問題,我們將會從中挑選3個最能理解可持續發展的重要性、同時應用到實際工作中的答案,送出由香港中文大學聯同中小企業可持續發展學會合辦的《Sustainability Leadership Programme》免費學額給3位勝出者。