Thank you for your interest in our General Insurance. 


General Insurance Referral Form

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Please select the service / product you are interested in 請勾選您感興趣的服務 / 產品

Terms and conditions for General Insurance Referral 一般保險轉介表格條款與細則

We, the Company named in the contact information section on this page, hereby request information on the Service / Product (as defined and selected above), and authorise DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“the Bank”) to provide the Company’s contact information to the Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited ("Chubb”), allowing Chubb to contact us directly for general insurance services / products (“Referral”).

We acknowledge and consent as follows: 

1. The Bank does not act for or represent Chubb. The Bank only acts as a referrer. 
2. The Bank may receive referral fees from Chubb in relation to the Referral.
3. Chubb will provide advice and information, and arrange services / products directly to us.
4. The Bank has not induced or invited or recommended us to enter into any contract of insurance with or purchase any services / products from Chubb. 
5. This is merely a referral arrangement which is independent from any banking products or services that the customer may apply / have applied. 
6. By referring us to Chubb, the Bank does not engage in any regulated activity.
7. The Bank shall not be liable for any act, omission, neglect or default of Chubb. 
8. The Bank shall not be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, incidental damages or any other loss or damages of any kind arising from any use of the Services or Products or further communication given in relation to the Referral. 
9. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this form, the English version shall prevail.
10. All information provided in this referral form is complete and accurate.

本公司,此表格下方所述的公司,就下方所選擇的服務 / 產品索取資料,及授權星展銀行(香港)有限公司(「星展銀行」)提供聯絡資料予安達保險香港有限公司(「安達保險」),以讓安達保險就一般保險服務 / 產品直接聯絡本公司(「轉介」)。


1. 星展銀行只作為轉介人,不代表安達保險。
2. 星展銀行可能會就有關轉介從安達保險收取轉介費。
3. 安達保險會直接提供建議及資料,及安排服務 / 產品予本公司。
4. 星展銀行不會引導、邀請或建議本公司與安達保險簽訂任何保險合約或向保險公司購買任何產品。
5. 此僅為轉介安排,與本公司可能申請 / 已申請的任何銀行服務 / 產品無關。
6. 星展銀行不會通過轉介本公司予安達保險當中從事任何受監管的活動。
7. 星展銀行不會對安達保險的任何作為、不作為、疏忽或不履行負上任何責任。
8. 星展銀行不會對因使用上述服務或產品或與轉介有關的進一步通訊而引起的任何直接、特殊、間接、附帶性損失或任何其他損失負上任何責任。
9. 此表格的中英文版本如有任何歧異,一概以英文版本為準。
10. 此轉介表格內的所有資料屬完整及準確。

By submitting this referral form, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the above Terms and conditions for General Insurance Referral.  透過提交此轉介表格,本人承認已閱讀、理解並同意上述一般保險轉介表格條款與細則。

Insurance products related enquiries:

Call DBS Chubb Insurance Service Hotline at 3191 6618.

Other enquiries:

Contact your Relationship Manager or call DBS BusinessCare at 2290 8068.



致電 DBS 安達保險服務熱線3191 6618。


聯絡您的客戶經理或致電星展企業一線通2290 8068。