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Why Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

AWS could help you reinvent the way of working!
• Flexible pricing mechanism
• Better risk management for experimental projects
• Ready to cater for sudden business needs

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Traditional Data Center
 Pay-as-you-go, no upfront investment  Upfront investment and resources for  maintenance are usually needed
 Adjust the product mix easily; infrastructure size  can grow and shrink automatically  Relatively time-consuming and costly to change  the products and the size of infrastructure
 Additional needs will be detected automatically  without concerns about availability of extra  storage  Time-consuming to request for additional  storage and availability of extra servers is not  guaranteed

How can I use the AWS USD50 credit?

AWS offers wide range of products from compute, storage to database services. Users can tailor-made their product plans based on business needs free-of-charge within the USD50 credit limit.

Featured products for SMEs

Amazon S3

 Simple, durable, massively scalable object storage

 #Up to 2TB storage or object backup for 1 month
 = 1M photos (assume 2MB per photo)
 = 2,000 videos (assume 1GB per video)

 Secure, managed business email and calendar service

 #Up to 50GB mailbox for
 = 12 users for 1 month OR
 = 1 user for 12 month

 Fully managed, secure virtual cloud desktops

 #Up to 1 virtual CPU, 2 GiB Memory, 10 GB User Storage for 1 month

AWS Device
 App testing service against real mobile devices

 #Up to 294 minute for 1 device testing OR
 29 minute for 10 devices testing

#Above are only estimated figures to illustrate the use of USD50 credit. For more product details and the exact conversion of USD50 credit, please visit AWS website.