Investing when interest rates rise
11 May 2022

Investing when interest rates rise

Interest rates are influenced by your country’s central bank. They may be adjusted to stimulate or curb a country's economic growth.

Understanding how the rise and fall of interest rates affect businesses, individuals (like you and me) and ultimately your investments, will help you ride the wave with confidence.

What happens when interest rates rise

In general, high interest rate cools an overheated economy and reduces inflation.

Higher borrowing costs impedes business plans

Cost for businesses to borrow money is increased, thus businesses will likely halt or reduce growth projects.

Hunt for quality bonds and companies in Financials sector

Savings are more attractive due to higher deposit rates; individuals may consider investing in assets, businesses or sectors that will benefit from rising interest rate.

Sectors and assets that benefit from rising interest rates

Investment opportunities in the midst of a high interest rate environment:

What happens when interest rates fall

In general, low interest rate stimulates economic growth and increases inflation.

Cheaper for businesses to borrow

The cost for businesses to borrow money is reduced, thus businesses will likely embark on growth projects such as business acquisitions and expansions and product developments.

Invest for better returns

Savings are less attractive due to lower deposit rates; individuals are likely to invest spare cash into investment instruments for better returns.

Sectors that benefit from falling interest rates

Investment opportunities in the midst of a low interest rate environment:

Taking action with the Barbell Strategy

Find out more how Chief Investment Officer Wey Fook takes on the unpredictable market by adopting a Barbell Strategy when building an investment portfolio.

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