Selected Customers
1 can enjoy
up to HK$1,200 cash rewards2 by maintaining HK$1,000,000 (including Time Deposit) or above monthly average Total Relationship Balance
3 and HK$100,000 or above Investment Balance
4 during designated Hold Fund Period! Register with our Treasures Advisory Team now.
Cash Reward I | Requirement |
HK$600 | Maintain or Fund in to meet HK$1,000,000 (or its equivalent, including Time Deposit) or above monthly average Total Relationship Balance during Hold Fund Period |
Cash Reward II | Requirement |
HK$600 | Maintain HK$100,000 (or its equivalent) or above Investment Balance during Hold Fund Period |
Promotion Joining Date | Designated Hold Fund Period |
From now to 30 November 2020 | 7th day of Promotion Joining Date to 31 January 2021 |
Our brand new Treasures Advisory Team understand your financial goals and provide you with exclusive advisory services to customise your portfolio. Contact us to enjoy the rewards!