All Weather Income Strategy
A global, fixed income fund portfolio strategy for resilience, diversification and growth
Investment15 Jul 2024
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What is the All Weather Income Strategy?

A diversified all-weather portfolio is not just about weathering the ups and downs, but also allows you to seize growth opportunities under different market conditions.


Bank on DBS Expertise

The Strategy leverages on DBS CIO’s investment views , DBS Discretionary Portfolio Management and DBS Fund Selection Expertise

Aim to Provide Regular Income

The Strategy invests in a curated set of global fixed income funds, aiming to provide regular income while offering diversification benefits

Build a Resilient All-Weather Portfolio

Strengthen your investment portfolio with long-term fixed income funds that will allow you ride through different economic and market cycles

If you would like to get more information on the All Weather Income Strategy, feel free to contact your Relationship Manager for assistance or make an appointment by clicking HERE.


Other DBS’s Investment Strategies


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