Please scroll down to read the Interest Rate and Relevant Fees and Charges Summary, Key Facts Statement, Reminders about Responsible Borrowing and terms and conditions governing the use of the application and use of credit card services. By submitting this application, it signifies your declaration and consent that you have read, understood and agree all relevant terms and conditions, fees and charges and Reminders about Responsible Borrowing.

Interest Rate and Relevant Fees and Charges Summary

Reminders about Responsible Borrowing

DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
Notice of Amendment

The following terms and conditions and fees and charges related to credit card services will be amended.  Hence, the relevant terms and conditions and fee schedules applicable to the relevant DBS Credit Cards, DBS Co-branded Cards and DBS Business Card will be revised accordingly on the designated effective date.  Unless otherwise specified, the changes apply to all DBS Credit Cards, DBS Co-branded Cards and DBS Business Card. We highlight the key changes to the terms and conditions and fee schedules below.  You are advised to read carefully the information below to ensure you understand the changes made and how they may affect you. 

A. Related to Credit Card Fees and Charges

1. Annual Fee (Effective date: 1 January 2025)
a. Applicable to DBS Eminent Signature Card which was upgraded by invitation in 2013
At the time of upgrade, you were informed that the annual fee of the upgraded DBS Eminent Signature Card would remain the same as that of VISA Platinum. In light of recent economy and market changes, with effect from1 January 2025, the annual fee of your upgraded DBS Eminent Signature Card will be aligned with the VISA Signature level, which is HK$2,000 per principal card and HK$1,000 per supplementary card.
b. Applicable to VISA Platinum / Platinum Mastercard but excluded Manulife VISA Platinum / Manulife Platinum Mastercard which was upgraded by invitation in or before 2017
At the time of upgrade, you were informed that the annual fee of your upgraded VISA Platinum / Platinum Mastercard would remain the same as that of the VISA / Mastercard or VISA Gold / Gold Mastercard (as the case maybe). In light of recent economy and market changes, with effect from 1 January 2025, the annual fee of your upgraded VISA Platinum / Platinum Mastercard will be aligned with the VISA Platinum / Platinum Mastercard level, which is HK$1,800 per principal card and HK$900 per supplementary card.

2. Paper Statement Fee (Effective date: 1 January 2025)

DBS Credit Card Fee Schedule

Paper Statement Fee
HK$50 per customer per annum, if you have received at least one paper statement within the previous calendar year (i.e. January to December every year) HK$240 per customer per annum, if you have received at least one paper statement within the previous calendar year (i.e. January to December every year)
3. Finance Charges and Handling Fee on Bill Payment Transactions (Effective date: 1 September 2024)

Bill payment through the “Pay & Transfer” function of DBS Card+ HK mobile application to merchant categories of “Banking and Credit Card Services” / “Credit Card Payment” / “Credit Services” (“Bill Payment Transaction”) will not be treated as “Specified Bill Payment” as defined in clause 4.3 of the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions and DBS Business Card Terms and Conditions, hence finance charges on Bill Payment Transaction will not be levied from the date of transaction. A handling fee up to 5% on the amount of each Bill Payment Transaction will be charged (the rate charged is determined based on the cardholder’s account status and creditworthiness). We will treat each Bill Payment Transaction as a normal purchase transaction. It will be (a) charged to the credit card account as a normal purchase transaction, (b) equally subject to the terms and conditions applicable to the credit card (including but not limited to any finance charges calculation) and (c) settled by you in the same manner as you will settle payment for a normal purchase transaction.

B. Related to Credit Card Terms and Conditions (Effective date: 1 September 2024)

DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions

The existing clause 4.3 (a) will be replaced in its entirety as follows:

Notwithstanding the credit limits referred to in clause 2.1, you may use your Card (other than a Private Label Card and a Linked Manulife Card) and/or PIN to obtain cash advances and/or to make Internet bill payment, JET payment or bill payment through our customer service hotline and the “Pay & Transfer” function of our DBS digibank HK mobile application of the merchant categories of “Banking and Credit Card Services”, “Credit Card Payment” and/or “Credit Services” (“Specified Bill Payment”) (including all cash withdrawals, regardless of whether there is any balance standing credit to the Card Account) up to the limits prescribed by us for cash advances and Specified Bill Payments respectively from time to time, whether or not such limits are notified to you.

Bill payment through the ‘Pay & Transfer” function of our DBS Card+ HK mobile application to the merchant categories of “Banking and Credit Card Services”, “Credit Card Payment” and/or “Credit Services” will not be treated as Specified Bill Payment
DBS Business Card Terms and Conditions
DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions

Contents related to communication channels in clause 14.1 are replaced

Contents related to serving notice are deleted from clause 14.3

Additional channels we may use to communicate with you and/or the Corporation and the time for which the communication is considered received by or delivered to you and/or the Corporation under the new channels are added.
DBS Business Card Terms and Conditions
DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions Clause 18.2 is replaced in its entirety by the new contents The way you may give instruction to us and your obligation and responsibility when giving instruction to us are specified.  Our responsibilities and liabilities in respect of your instructions are also clearly stated.
DBS Business Card Terms and Conditions Clause 17.2 is replaced in its entirety by the new contents The way you and/or the Corporation may give instruction to us and your and/or the Corporation’s obligation and responsibility when giving instruction to us are specified.  Our responsibilities and liabilities in respect of your and/or the Corporation’s instructions are also clearly stated.

You may visit any of our branches or our website at to obtain a copy of the revised terms and conditions and fee schedule. In order for you to keep track of the changes, the prevailing version of the relevant terms and conditions and fee schedule is available at our website at until 31 January 2025. You may not be able to access or download the prevailing version of the relevant terms and conditions and fee schedule subsequent to the expiry of the specified timeframe. You are advised to download and store a copy for future reference. If you do not agree or have no online access to the terms and conditions, you may contact our Customer Services and request for a physical copy.

Please note that your retention and/or continuous use of the credit card(s) and/or card account(s) on or after each effective date shall constitute your agreement and acceptance of the above revisions and the revisions shall be binding on the you. If you do not accept the above revisions, please terminate the credit card(s) before the relevant effective date in accordance with the right of termination provided in DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions or DBS Business Card Terms and Conditions (as the case maybe).

For any enquiries, please contact our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline at 2290 8888.

DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
June 2024

Key Facts Statement

Interest Rates and Interest Charges
Annualised Percentage Rate (APR) for Retail Purchase

34.58%* when you open your account and it will be reviewed from time to time. We will not charge you finance charge if the statement balance is paid in full by the payment due date each month. Otherwise, finance charge will be charged on (i) the outstanding statement balance from the day after the date of that statement on a daily basis until payment in full and (ii) the amount of each new transaction (entered after the date of that statement) from the date such transaction is posted on a daily basis until payment in full.  

Unless otherwise specified, finance charge on internet bill payment, JET payment or bill payment through our customer services hotline /mobile application ("Bill Payment") will be charged on the same basis and APR as Retail Purchase. For Bill Payment of the merchant category of "Security Broker" or fund transfer through our mobile application, finance charge will be charged on the same basis as Retail Purchase at the APR of 34.58%#* (when you open your account, subject to review from time to time). For Bill Payment of the merchant categories of "Banking and Credit Card Services", "Credit Card Payment" and/or "Credit Services" (except through DBS Card+ HK mobile application), finance charge will be charged at the APR of 33.73% from the date a Bill Payment is made until the date of actual repayment. For Bill Payment of the merchant categories of "Banking and Credit Card Services", "Credit Card Payment" and/or "Credit Services" through DBS Card+ HK mobile application, finance charge will be charged on the same basis as Retail Purchase at the APR of 34.58%#* (when you open your account, subject to review from time to time).

APR for Cash Advance 35.94% when you open your account and it will be reviewed from time to time. Finance charge will be charged from the date a cash advance is made until the date of actual repayment.
Interest-Free Period
  • Up to 60 days
  • No interest-free period on cash advance, Balance Transfer, Funds Transfer and bill payment transaction to merchant categories of “Banking and Credit Card Services”, “Credit Card Payment” and/or “Credit Services” (except pay through DBS Card+ HK mobile application)
Minimum Payment If the total outstanding balance is HK$300 or above, the minimum payment will be the sum of the followings:
  1. all charges, fees, costs, expenses, interests and/or finance charges posted to the current statement of Card Account;
  2. any amount in excess of the credit limit incurred after last statement date; and
  3. 1% of the statement balance excluding all charges, fees, costs, expenses, interests and/or finance charges posted to the Card Account;
or HK$300, whichever is higher plus any outstanding minimum payment.
If the total outstanding balance is less than HK$300, the minimum payment will be the total outstanding balance.

Annual Membership Fee DBS Black World Mastercard / American Express Card
Principal Card
Supplementary Card

HK$3,600 per card
HK$1,800 per card
Visa Signature Card
Principal Card
Supplementary Card

HK$2,000 per card
HK$1,000 per card
VISA Platinum /
Platinum MasterCard /
Principal Card
Supplementary Card

HK$1,800 per card
HK$900 per card
Principal Card
Supplementary Card

HK$550 per card
HK$275 per card
VISA / MasterCard
Principal Card
Supplementary Card

HK$300 per card
HK$150 per card
Cash Advance Cash Advance Handling Fee:
4% on cash advance amount, minimum HK$100; and
Cash Advance Administration Fee:
HK$20 per transaction
Fees relating to Foreign Currency Transaction 1.95% of every transaction effected in a currency other than Hong Kong dollar
Fee Relating to Settling Foreign Currency Transaction in Hong Kong Dollars ​ Customers may sometimes be offered the option to settle foreign currency transactions in Hong Kong dollars at the point of sale overseas. Such option is a direct arrangement offered by the overseas merchants and not the card issuer. In such cases, customers are reminded to ask the merchants for the foreign currency exchange rates and the percentage of handling feexs to be applied before the transactions are entered into since settling foreign currency transactions in Hong Kong dollars may involve a cost higher than the foreign currency transaction handling fee. For these transactions in Hong Kong dollars made outside Hong Kong, Visa / Mastercard / American Express imposes a charge of 1% of the transaction amount on the Bank, we will charge the same on the customers (except for DBS Live Fresh Card).​ Visa / Mastercard / American Express also imposes a charge of 1% of the transaction amount on the Bank for online transactions in Hong Kong Dollars with merchants whose place of registration and/or settlement are outside Hong Kong (based on the merchants’ setting), we will charge the same on the customers (except for DBS Live Fresh Card). ​
Late Payment Fee A blanket fee of HK$350 or the minimum payment, whichever is lower.
Over-the-limit Fee Overlimit Charge: HK$250 per statement cycle
Returned Payment Fee Handling Charge on Dishonoured Cheque / Autopay Rejection: HK$120 per transaction of returned payment
Paper Statement Fee HK$240 per customer per annum, if you have received at least one paper statement within the previous calendar year (i.e January to December every year)
Fee related to fund transfer and bill payment transaction to merchant categories of “Banking and Credit Card Services”, “Credit Card Payment” and/or “Credit Services” through DBS Card+ HK mobile application Up to 5% on the amount of each transaction (the rate charged is determined based on the cardholder's account status and creditworthiness)

# APR is calculated after taking into account the refund of handling fee, if applicable.
* These APRs are calculated based on a modified calculation made by the Bank. The corresponding APRs calculated in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA Guidelines”) are as follow:

APRs based on the modified calculation by the Bank APRs based on HKMA Guidelines
34.58% 35.94%

For details about the HKMA Guidelines and the modified calculation made by the Bank, please refer to the Annualised Percentage Rate Table posted on the Bank's website

Illustrative example:
*****Information regarding making minimum payment*****
The example below is for reference only. It does not reflect the actual situation of your account.
(1) Statement Balance =HK$20,000 (2) Standard Annual Rate = 31.10%p.a. (3) No new transaction posted after statement date (4) No annual fee or other fees or charges (5) Repayment on or before payment due date (6) The statement balance is accrued from retail purchases only.

If each month you pay… You will pay off the statement balance of HK$20,000 in about… and you will end up for paying an estimated total of…
only the Minimum Payment 11 years 7 months HK$57,817
HK$861.13 3 years HK$31,001 (savings HK$26,816)

Please use the repayment calculator on our website ( to work out the above information applicable to your specific case.

Reminder: To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Effective date: 1st January 2025


A. I hereby give my consent to and authorize TransUnion to:
1. access all or part of my consumer credit data which may be held in its database from time to time (“My Credit Data”) and to a.i. match all or part of My Credit Data against the information I provided and transferred by the DBS Bank to TransUnion; 
for the purpose of verifying my identity as part of assessment of my credit related risks.
ii. generate questions directly or indirectly from any or all of the information contained in My Credit Data whether on its own or in conjunction with other source of information, collect responses to such questions from me and match such responses against any information contained in My Credit Data; for the purpose of verifying my identity as part of assessment of my credit related risks.
2. use, process and match all information, including but not limited to any photo images or documents, I provided for the purpose of verifying my identity, documents or any information in the process of account opening and thereafter to process, use and transfer the result of the verification or any data arising therefrom to the DBS Bank; 
B. I further acknowledge and agree that TransUnion may charge the DBS Bank a fee for the access and use of My Credit Data by TransUnion in the manner described above and such access and use shall not be made the basis for any complaint, claim, suit, demand or cause of action or other proceedings against TransUnion by me.


  1. “DBS Live Fresh Card iFlexi - up to 90-day Interest-free Repayment Period for Online Transaction” Promotion (the “Promotion”) shall be applicable to cardholders (“Cardholders”) conducting Eligible Transactions (as defined in Clause 2 below) with DBS Live Fresh Card (“Applicable Card”) issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”).
  2. The Program is valid until 31 December 2025.
  3. For the purpose of these terms and conditions, each of the following terms shall have the corresponding meaning: “Eligible Transaction” shall mean an Online Transaction. “Online Transaction” shall mean a transaction for the purchase of any products at an online merchant as so determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the Bank. For the avoidance of doubt, the following types of transactions are not considered Eligible Transactions for the purpose of this Promotion: cash advance and its handling/administration fees, Card Interest-Free Instalment Loan, Credit Card Interest-free Merchant Instalment Plan, Flexi-Shopping Programme, transactions in Hong Kong Dollars at online merchant whose place of registration and/or settlementis outside Hong Kong, casino chips, foreign exchange, securities transaction, reversed transactions, transaction that has been subject to cancellation, charge-back, return of goods and/or refund or any other categories as the Bank may at its discretion determine from time to time.
  4. Under this Promotion, an Eligible Transaction conducted with an Applicable Card will be automatically posted to the Cardholder’s Applicable Card account only in the statement following the statement in which it should have originally been posted. Registration by the Cardholder for this Promotion is not required. As a result, the Cardholder shall be able to enjoy an interest-free repayment period of up to 90 days. The following example illustrates the mechanics of this Promotion:
    Assuming that the statement date is on the 1st day of each month and the payment due date shall be 30 days from the statement date, if a Cardholder has conducted an Eligible Transaction on 10 August, the Eligible Transaction would originally be posted in the statement to be issued on 1 September and the payment due date for the Eligible Transaction would have been 30 September. Under this Promotion, the Eligible Transaction will be posted in the statement to be issued on 1 October instead and, accordingly, the payment due date for the Eligible Transaction would be deferred to 30 October.
  5. The available credit limit of the Cardholder's Applicable Card account will be reduced by the whole amount of the Eligible Transaction from the date the Eligible Transaction was conducted.
  6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions, if the statement balance of the statement in which the Eligible Transaction should be posted originally is not paid in full on or before the relevant payment due date, finance charge for the Eligible Transaction shall accrue from the day following the date of that statement. Taking the example in Clause 3 above, the following illustrates how finance charge is accrued:
    Assuming that the statement issued on 1 September is not paid in full on or before 30 September, finance charge for the Eligible Transaction conducted on 10 August shall accrue from 2 September notwithstanding that the Eligible Transaction will only be posted in the statement to be issued on 1 October.
  7. The Bank reserves the right only to make the Promotion available to Cardholders whose Applicable Card accounts are in good standing, valid and not in default. If the status of a Cardholder’s Applicable Card account has changed, the Bank may terminate the Promotion in respect of the Cardholder without notice.
  8. The Bank may change these terms and conditions and/or modify or terminate the Promotion without prior notice. The Bank's decision is final.
  9. Should there be any conflict between these terms and conditions and the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions, the former shall prevail.
  10. Promotion information will remain accessible up to one week after the end of the Promotion.
  11. The English version shall prevail if there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions.


  1. “DBS Live Fresh Card Flexi Travel – up to 90-day Interest-free Repayment Period for Overseas and Travelling Transaction” Promotion (the “Promotion”) shall be applicable to cardholders (“Cardholders”) conducting Eligible Transactions (as defined in Clause 2 below) with DBS Live Fresh Card (“Applicable Card”) issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”). 
  2. The Program is valid until 31 December 2025.
  3. In respect of this Promotion, “Eligible Transaction” shall mean an Overseas Transaction or a Travelling Transaction. “Overseas Transaction” shall mean a retail transaction denominated in a foreign currency (being a currency other than Hong Kong dollar or Macau Pataca). For the avoidance of doubt, if a Cardholder settles any overseas transaction by Dynamic Currency Conversion, which provides the option to settle a transaction either in the relevant foreign currency or in Hong Kong dollar, and if the Cardholder had chosen to settle the transaction in Hong Kong dollars (which cannot be changed subsequently), that transaction shall not be considered an Overseas Transaction for the purpose of this Promotion. “Travelling Transaction” shall mean a transaction for the purchase of any travel products (including hotel reservation, air ticket or package) at a travel merchant (including a travel agency or airline company) as so determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the Bank. For the avoidance of doubt, the following types of transactions are not considered Eligible Transactions for the purpose of this Promotion: cash advance and its handling/administration fees, Card Interest-Free Instalment Loan, Credit Card Interest-free Merchant Instalment Plan, Flexi-Shopping Programme, transactions in Hong Kong Dollars at the point of sales (in case of online transactions, the place of registration and/or settlement of the merchant) outside Hong Kong, casino chips, foreign exchange, securities transaction, reversed transactions, transaction that has been subject to cancellation, charge-back, return of goods and/or refund or any other categories as the Bank may at its discretion determine from time to time.
  4. Under this Promotion, an Eligible Transaction conducted with an Applicable Card will be automatically posted to the Cardholder’s Applicable Card account only in the statement following the statement in which it should have originally been posted. Registration by the Cardholder for this Promotion is not required. As a result, the Cardholder shall be able to enjoy an interest-free repayment period of up to 90 days. The following example illustrates the mechanics of the Promotion:
    Assuming that the statement date is on the 1st day of each month and the payment due date shall be 30 days from the statement date, if a Cardholder has conducted an Eligible Transaction on 10 August, the Eligible Transaction would originally be posted in the statement to be issued on 1 September and the payment due date for the Eligible Transaction would have been 30 September. Under this Promotion, the Eligible Transaction will be posted in the statement to be issued on 1 October instead and, accordingly, the payment due date for the Eligible Transaction would be deferred to 30 October.
  5. The available credit limit of the Cardholder's Applicable Card account will be reduced by the whole amount of the Eligible Transaction from the date the Eligible Transaction was conducted.
  6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions, if the statement balance of the statement in which the Eligible Transaction should be posted originally is not paid in full on or before the relevant payment due date, finance charge for the Eligible Transaction shall accrue from the day following the date of that statement. Taking the example in Clause 3 above, the following illustrates how finance charge is accrued:
    Assuming that the statement issued on 1 September is not paid in full on or before 30 September, finance charge for the Eligible Transaction conducted on 10 August shall accrue from 2 September notwithstanding that the Eligible Transaction will only be posted in the statement to be issued on 1 October.
  7. The Bank reserves the right only to make the Promotion available to Cardholders whose Applicable Card accounts are in good standing, valid and not in default. If the status of a Cardholder’s Applicable Card account has changed, the Bank may terminate the Promotion in respect of the Cardholder without notice.
  8. The Bank may change these terms and conditions and/or modify or terminate the Promotion without prior notice. The Bank's decision is final.
  9. Should there be any conflict between these terms and conditions and the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions, the former shall prevail.
  10. Promotion information will remain accessible up to one week after the end of the Promotion.
  11. The English version shall prevail if there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions.

DBS Eminent Card Up To 5% Rebate Program Terms and Conditions

  1. DBS Eminent Card Up To 5% Rebate Programme 2025 (the “Programme”) is only applicable to the principal cardholders (“Cardholders”) of DBS Eminent Card including DBS Eminent Visa Signature Card (“Signature Card”) and DBS Eminent Visa Platinum Card (“Platinum Card”) (“Applicable Card”) issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”).
  2. The registration of this Programme is available from 2 December 2024. The validity period of this Programme is from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025, both dates inclusive (“Programme Period”).
  3. Unless otherwise specified by the Bank, to participate in this Programme, Cardholders must complete the registration process successfully from 2 to 31 December 2024 or during the Programme Period via DBS Card+ mobile application following below steps (“Successful Registration”):
  4. i. Register DBS Card+ membership (for those Cardholders who are already with DBS Card+ membership may skip step i and go to step ii directly);
    ii. Register the Programme with his/her Applicable Cards. Cardholders have to read and confirm the acceptance of these terms and conditions and input the required information according to the instructions. Cardholders will be given a reference number upon Successful Registration for record and enquiry purposes. Each Applicable Card is required to register once only. All Cardholders must successfully register this Programme from 2 December 2024 to 31 December 2024, or during the Programme Period to participate in this Programme, no matter Cardholders have successfully registered DBS Eminent Card Up To 5% Rebate Programme previously or not.
  5. If there is a supplementary card under the Applicable Card account, only registration by the principal Cardholder is required. Cardholders who have not performed a Successful Registration will not be eligible for the Programme. Upon Successful Registration, no cancellation or amendment is allowed. The Bank has the final decision on whether a Cardholder has performed a Successful Registration.
  6. For Cardholders who Successfully Register from 2 December 2024 to 31 December 2024, Cardholders’ posted “Eligible Spending” (as defined in clause 6 below) conducted with the Applicable Card from the first day to the end of Programme Period will be entitled to the  corresponding rewards as below; for Cardholders who Successfully Register during the Programme Period, from the next calendar day following Successful Registration till the end of the Programme Period, Cardholders’ posted “Eligible Spending” (as defined in clause 6 below) conducted with the Applicable Card will be entitled to the corresponding rewards as below:
  7. a. Up to 5% Rebate on Designated Categories of Spending
    i. “Designated Categories of Spending” refers to an Eligible Spending with a single net spending of HK$300 or above which belongs to dining, sportswear, fitness clubs or medical services (“Designated Categories”). The Bank shall determine at its sole discretion whether an Eligible Spending falls into the Designated Categories based on the merchant codes defined by Visa or a merchant’s acquiring bank, and is determined by the Bank at its sole discretion. For avoidance of doubt, for the purpose of this Programme, any Eligible Spending on/at banquet services, private banquets, private parties/events whether made online or at physical restaurants, food or beverages provided by dining outlets/food counters in hotels/department stores/associations/clubhouses, and any other spending that does not fall into the merchant category of restaurants shall not be considered as a dining spending in Designated Categories. Any Eligible Spending related to veterinary shall not be considered as a medical services spending in Designated Categories.
    ii. For the first HK$8,000 (applicable to Signature Card) / HK$4,000 (applicable to Platinum Card) of Eligible Spending in the Designated Categories of Spending in total with the Applicable Card in each calendar month, Cardholders shall entitle to a 5% rebate (“5% Designated Categories of Spending Reward”), which includes the basic 0.4% rebate (“0.4% Basic Reward”) and 4.6% extra rebate (“Extra Reward 1”) (i.e. every HK$250 of Eligible Spending in Designated Categories of Spending can earn DBS$12.5).
    b. Up to 1% Rebate on Other Retail Spending
    i. “Other Retail Spending” refers to an Eligible Spending with a single net spending of less than HK$300 under dining, sportswear, fitness clubs or medical services, and an Eligible Spending other than the above Designated Categories.
    ii. For the first HK$20,000 (applicable to Signature Card) / HK$15,000 (applicable to Platinum Card) of Eligible Spending in Other Retail Spending in total with the Applicable Card in each calendar month, Cardholders shall be entitled to a 1% rebate (“1% Other Retail Spending Reward”), which includes the basic 0.4% rebate (“0.4% Basic Reward”) and 0.6% extra rebate (“Extra Reward 2”) (i.e. every HK$250 of Eligible Spending in Other Retail Spending can earn DBS$2.5).

    5% Designated Categories of Spending Reward and 1% Other Retail Spending Reward (collectively referred as “Rewards”) shall include the basic reward of DBS$1 for every HK$250 spending entitled by the Cardholders (i.e. 0.4% Basic Reward) under the DBS$ Reward Scheme. Extra Rewards will be credited to the Applicable Card account after the Eligible Spending is posted. Cardholder shall only earn Rewards for the first HK$5,000 Electronic Wallet Retail Spending (as defined in clause 6 below) but excluding Electronic Wallet Retail Spending exceeding HK$5,000. If the Eligible Spending of the Designated Categories of Spending or Other Retail Spending exceeds the relevant cap stated above, the subsequent Eligible Spending will be awarded based on the DBS$ Reward Scheme.
  8. For the purpose of this Programme, "Eligible Spending" refers to all posted retail purchase transactions with official payment records at any points of sales (either physical or online) of merchants. For a purchase transaction under "Card Interest-free Instalment Loan" or “Credit Card Interest-free Merchant Instalment Plan”, a Cardholder earns Rewards as and when the instalment is posted to the Applicable Card account. For Eligible Spending related to (a) adding value to Octopus via Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay; (b) reloading of electronic wallets (including but not limited to PayMe, WeChat Pay and Alipay); and (c) spending conducted via electronic wallets (including but not limited to PayMe, WeChat Pay and Alipay (except at merchants designated by the Bank from time to time) but other than Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay) shall collectively be referred to as “Electronic Wallet Retail Spending”. For avoidance of doubt, the following types of transactions shall not fall under the scope of Eligible Spending: Octopus Automatic Add-Value Service, fund purchases, cash advances and relevant handling/administration fees, casino chips, foreign exchange, finance charges, reversed transactions, late charges, credit card annual fee, Call-a-loan, Balance Transfer, Funds Transfer, Flexi Shopping Programme, transactions in Hong Kong Dollars at the point of sales (in case of online transactions, the place of registration and/or settlement of the merchant) outside Hong Kong, insurance payment, tax payment, any bill payment transactions (made through DBS iBanking, JET Payment Service, 24-hour Customer Services Hotline, the “Pay and Transfer” function of the DBS Card+ mobile application or any other means as specified by the Bank from time to time), fund transfer transactions (made through the “Pay and Transfer” function of the mobile application or any other means as specified by the Bank from time to time), transactions that have been subject to cancellation, charge-back, return of goods and/or refund or any other types of transactions specified by the Bank from time to time. For fund purchase, Cardholders will be awarded according to the DBS$ Reward Scheme instead of this Programme.
  9. For Cardholders who choose to participate in DBS$ Cash Rebate Scheme under the DBS$ Reward Scheme, every DBS$1 accumulated in a statement cycle will be automatically converted into HK$1 cash rebate on the issue date of the statement for that statement cycle and credited to the Applicable Card account on the following day. For Cardholders who choose to participate in DBS$ Redemption Scheme under the DBS$ Reward Scheme, when the Bank credited the DBS$ you earned from this Programme, it will be included in the “Current Month Earned DBS$” in the corresponding monthly statement. When calculating the entitlement to DBS$, the amount of each Eligible Spending will be rounded down to the nearest integral, decimal places (if any) will not be counted. If Cardholder changes the DBS$ Reward Scheme, the Bank will credit the Rewards based on the Cardholder's DBS$ Reward Scheme recorded in the Bank's system at the time the Rewards are calculated.
  10. Transactions which are subsequently cancelled or refunded to the Cardholder’s Applicable Card account (“Invalid Transactions”) will not be counted as Eligible Spending. Any Rewards awarded for Invalid Transactions will be deducted, charged or repayable to the Bank. In accordance with clause 5 above, Extra Reward will be deducted from the spending amount under Invalid Transactions (up to the relevant cap of Designated Categories of Spending and/or Other Retail Spending), and Basic Reward will be deducted for the full spending amount under Invalid Transactions.
  11. Eligible Spending accumulated in different Applicable Card accounts of a Cardholder cannot be combined when calculating Rewards. If there is a supplementary card under the Applicable Card account, Eligible Spending under a supplementary card will be counted towards the Eligible Spending of the principal card for calculation of Rewards.
  12. Rewards are only applicable to Cardholders whose Applicable Card accounts are in good standing, remain valid and not in default (as determined by the Bank at its sole discretion) throughout the Programme Period and when the Rewards are being credited to the Applicable Card account. If the Applicable Card account status has changed, the Bank reserves the right to not issue the Rewards without prior notice.
  13. Eligibility of any transactions for the purpose of this Programme shall be determined based on the transaction posting date and time in the Bank’s record. If there is any discrepancy between the Bank’s record and Cardholder’s record of any transaction, the Bank’s record shall prevail.
  14. Cardholder is required to keep record of relevant transactions. In case of any disputes, the Bank reserves the right to require the Cardholder to submit relevant record of the Eligible Spending for verification. The submitted record and document will not be returned.
  15. Participation in the Programme is subject to there being no abuse/non compliance by the Cardholder, failing which the Bank will debit the values of the Rewards from the Cardholder’s account without notice and/or take such action to recover any outstanding amounts.
  16. The Bank may change these terms and conditions and/or modify or terminate the Programme. The Bank’s decision is final.
  17. The English version shall prevail if there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions.

Promotion information will remain accessible up to one week after the end of the Promotion.

DBS Credit Card Application Terms and Conditions

1. By making an application for the credit card ("Card") issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”), you are deemed to have read and accepted these terms and conditions and shall be bound by them.

2. Use of the Card shall be subject to the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions and any terms and conditions applicable to the use of any related services (such as "Call-a-loan" Service and Balance Transfer) which you have applied or may apply to use. Copies of such terms and conditions are available on request from the 24-hour Customer Services Hotline at 2290 8888 or from the Bank's website at or at any branches of the Bank.

3. The minimum annual income requirement for the application for the Card is set out below:

  Minimum Annual Income Requirement Remark
DBS Live Fresh Card HK$150,000 Not applicable to full-time students
DBS Eminent Visa Signature Card HK$360,000 Your application will be treated as DBS Eminent Visa Platinum Card if you are unable to meet the annual income requirement
DBS Eminent Visa Platinum Card HK$150,000 Nil
DBS Black Word Mastercard HK$240,000 Nil
DBS Black American Express Card HK$240,000 Nil
Manulife Credit Card HK$60,000 Nil

4. You declare and warrant to the Bank that the information provided in the application for the Card and all the supporting documents are true, correct and complete. You hereby authorise the Bank to verify your information contained in the application and any supporting documents from any source that the Bank may deem appropriate. The information you have provided to the Bank in the application is required and will be used by the Bank to assess your application for the Card and provide ongoing services to you. Failure by you to provide any such required information to the Bank may result in your application for the Card to be rejected.

5. You agree that the Bank's Data Policy Notice in force from time to time together with any other notices and communications concerning your data issued by the Bank from time to time ("Data Policy") shall apply to all information related to you that you have provided to the Bank in the application for the Card or that the Bank has obtained from any other sources or that arises from your relationship with the Bank or any other DBS Group company ("Data"). You are deemed to have read and understood the Data Policy and you agree that the Data Policy shall form part of the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions. Copies of the Data Policy are available on request from the 24-hour Customer Services Hotline at 2290 8888 or from the Bank's website at or at any branches of the Bank. Your Data may be used for such purposes and disclosed to such persons (whether in or outside Hong Kong) in accordance with the Data Policy. You hereby agree, in particular, that the Bank may: (a) verify, provide and collect information about you from other organisations, institutions or other persons; (b) transfer the Data outside Hong Kong SAR including to Singapore; (c) compare your Data with any data the Bank has obtained and use the results for taking of any action including actions that may be adverse to your interests (including declining the application for the Card); and (d) provide your Data to credit reference agencies, or, in the event of default, to debt collection agencies.

6. You understand that you have the right to: (a) request to be informed which items of Data are routinely disclosed to credit reference agencies or debt collection agencies; (b) request to be provided with further information to enable an access and/or correction request to be made to the relevant credit reference agency or debt collection agency; and (c) ask the Bank to request the relevant credit reference agencies to delete your consumer credit data upon termination of the credit card account if there is no payment default for a period in excess of 60 days on the account within 5 years immediately before the termination of the account. If there is any payment default, unless the amount in default is fully repaid or written off (other than due to a bankruptcy order) before the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, you are liable to have your consumer credit data retained by the relevant credit reference agencies for a period of up to 5 years from the final settlement date of the default amount. In the event any amount in the credit card account is written off due to a bankruptcy order being made against you, you are liable to have your consumer credit data retained by the relevant credit reference agencies, regardless of whether there is payment default for a period in excess of 60 days on the account, for a period of up to 5 years from the final settlement date of the default amount or 5 years from the date of discharge of your bankruptcy as notified to the credit reference agency whichever is earlier.

7. If you have previously submitted any documents to the Bank with respect to other banking services, you hereby consent to the Bank's retrieval and use of such documents for the purpose of reviewing your application for the Card as the Bank sees fit.

8. The current annualized percentage rate (“APR”) for retail purchase and cash advances and fees and charges applicable to the Card are set out in the Key Facts Statement. You understand that the Bank reserves the right to revise the APR and fees and charges from time to time with prior notice.

9. You understand and agree the below major terms and conditions of the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions which impose significant liabilities or obligation on your part:
a. Immediately after you receive a Card, please review the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions and if you accept it, please (i) complete the Card acknowledgment/activation procedure; and (ii) sign the back of the Card without delay.
b. You must keep your Card securely and ensure that your PIN is not disclosed to any other person. You must take all reasonable steps to keep your Card safe and your PIN secret and to help prevent fraud.
c. Should you discover that your Card or PIN is lost, stolen or used in an unauthorised way, you must notify us as soon as reasonably practicable upon discovery of the loss, theft or unauthorised use.
d. Provided that you have not acted fraudulently or with gross negligence and you have not failed to inform us of the loss, theft or unauthorised use of your Card and/or the PIN, you shall not be liable for any unauthorised transactions (except cash advances). If you have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence, then you shall be liable for all unauthorised transactions.
e. You shall be liable for all transactions effected or authorised through the use of the Card. If there is a Supplementary Card, you are jointly and severally liable with the Supplementary Cardholder for such part of the outstanding balance in connection with the Supplementary Card. The Supplementary Cardholder is liable, jointly and severally with you, only for such part of the outstanding balance as relates to the use of his/her Supplementary Card.
f. On or before the payment due date in each month, you must pay us the statement balance in full or at least pay the minimum payment as specified in any monthly statement in accordance with the Fee Schedule or any other notice. If you fail to pay the minimum payment on the payment due date as specified in any monthly statement, then your Card Account will be regarded as in a delinquent status and a late fee and a finance charge will be charged.
g. You agree to examine each Card Account statement received from us and to notify us of any alleged error or omission within 60 days after such statement was provided. After such 60-day period, such statement shall be deemed accepted and conclusively settled and no claim to the contrary by you shall be admissible.
h. We may (where the circumstances are considered reasonable) at any time suspend, withdraw, cancel or terminate your right to use the Card, Card Account and/or any related services offered. You may terminate your Card and Card Account at any time by giving us notice. Upon the termination of your Card and Card Account, all outstanding debit balances shall become immediately due and payable.
i. We shall be entitled at any time and without notice to you, to combine or consolidate any credit balance on any of your accounts maintained with us (whether matured or not) with the settlement of any debit balance on your Card Account and to set off any such credit balance against any such debit balance.
j. If you report an unauthorised transaction to us before the payment due date, you may withhold payment of the disputed amount during the investigation period.
k. We may, at our discretion, appoint debt collection agents and/or lawyers for collection of any moneys owing by you to us or for enforcement of any of our rights against you hereunder. You shall indemnify us on demand in respect of all collection costs and expenses that we reasonably incur. The total collection costs to be recovered shall in normal circumstances not exceed 30% of the amount owing by you to us.

Terms and Conditions for Mobile Card

These terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") apply when you add a credit card issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank", which expression shall include its successors and assigns) (a "Card") to a Digital Wallet (as defined below). These Terms and Conditions set out your responsibilities and obligations in respect of your use of your Card within a Digital Wallet. By installing your Card within a Digital Wallet, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and you agree to be bound by them.

    The expressions defined in the terms and conditions governing the use of your Card shall bear the same meanings when used in these Terms and Conditions, and the following words shall have the corresponding meanings: "Digital Wallet" means any electronic device installed with an electronic format of your Card ("Mobile Card"), which allows the use of your Card without presenting the Card in plastic card form; "we", "us" or "our" refers to the Bank; and "you" or "your" refers to the user of the Digital Wallet who can either be a Principal Cardholder or a Supplementary Cardholder.
    2.1 By installing and/or using your Card within a Digital Wallet, you will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
    2.2 These Terms and Conditions are supplementary to and shall form part of the DBS Personal Credit Card Terms and Conditions or DBS Business Card Terms and Conditions (as the case maybe) ("Credit Card Agreement") governing the use of your Card and shall operate in addition to all other terms and conditions to which you are subject, including our applicable data policies and any security measures implemented by us from time to time in relation to the use of your Card. The Credit Card Agreement (including interest, fees and charges) remains applicable to your Mobile Card when you enrol or use your Card in a Digital Wallet. All references to "Card" in the Credit Card Agreement include a Mobile Card and all references to "Card transactions" in the Credit Card Agreement include transactions made with a Mobile Card.
    2.3 In relation to the use of the Digital Wallet, if there is any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any other applicable terms and conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
    3.1 Only Cards which we decide in our sole discretion as eligible from time to time may be enrolled as Mobile Cards to a Digital Wallet.
    3.2 You may enrol a Card to be a Mobile Card for a Digital Wallet by following the instructions of the Digital Wallet provider. You acknowledge that the Digital Wallet provider has the right to decline the enrolment of a Card or to suspend or delete or reactivate a Mobile Card enrolled with the Digital Wallet. We shall not be liable if you are unable to enrol a Card on a Digital Wallet for any reason.
    3.3 If your Card or underlying Card Account is not in good standing, that Card may not be eligible to enrol or to be used as a Mobile Card in a Digital Wallet.
    3.4 For the purpose of your enrolling a Card to be a Mobile Card for a Digital Wallet, we shall send you a "One Time Password" ("OTP") at the time your Card is being enrolled as a Mobile Card. You acknowledge that this OTP shall be sent to your mobile number registered with us.
    4.1 You may use your Mobile Card to enter into authorised transactions where a Digital Wallet is accepted.
    4.2 Transactions made with your Mobile Card will be charged to the underlying Card Account of the Card which was used to enrol that Mobile Card.
    4.3 We do not charge you a fee to set up or use your Card as a Mobile Card in a Digital Wallet but we reserve the right to charge any additional fees for adding or using your Card as a Mobile Card in the Digital Wallet with notification.
    4.4 You acknowledge that your Mobile Card may be utilised to carry out transactions by tapping or waving the Mobile Card at a merchant′s contactless-enabled point of sale terminal or reader ("Contactless Payment Reader") ("Contactless Transactions"). We reserve the right to set and vary any limit on Contactless Transactions (including per transaction or daily or other limit) from time to time. 4.5 Without prejudice to the foregoing, you acknowledge the ease of which unauthorised Contactless Transactions may be carried out and accept the risk of unauthorised Contactless Transactions.
    5.1 Your use of a Digital Wallet may be governed by or subject to acceptance of additional terms of use or service by the Digital Wallet provider, and they may contemplate fees, limitations and restrictions which might affect use of your Digital Wallet and/or Mobile Card. You are responsible for all amounts charged by the Digital Wallet provider and you agree to be solely responsible for all such fees and to comply with such limitations and restrictions.
    5.2 You require mobile network connection in order to install and use your Mobile Card. You should bear all fees, charges and expenses imposed by the mobile network operator for providing services to you to support the use of your Mobile Card.
    5.3 When you enrol your Card for use with a Digital Wallet, to facilitate your participation in the Digital Wallet, you acknowledge that certain account information related to the Card may be transmitted to and stored within your electronic device or on the Digital Wallet provider′s platform or on the system of a third party working with the Digital Wallet provider for purposes of the Digital Wallet ("Stored Information"). You acknowledge and agree that for the use of the Mobile Card with the Digital Wallet, the Digital Wallet provider and/or the third party working with the Digital Wallet provider may use and/or disclose the Stored Information we provide them.
    5.4 You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Digital Wallet login information, including your user name and/or password associated with your electronic device or Digital Wallet, and the security of your electronic device. No other person should be allowed to use your Mobile Card to make any transactions.
    5.5 Before disposing of any electronic devices on which a Mobile Card has been installed, you are responsible for deleting your Mobile Card and Digital Wallet login information from the electronic device.
    5.6 You must not use your Digital Wallet on any electronic device that you know or have reason to believe has had its security or integrity compromised (e.g. where the device has been "rooted" or had its security mechanisms bypassed). You will be solely liable for any losses, damages and expenses incurred as a result of your use of any Digital Wallet on a compromised electronic device.
    6.1 We may at any time suspend, withdraw, cancel or terminate your use of your Mobile Card (with or without exercising the same action on your Card in plastic card form) with a Digital Wallet with or without giving any reason or notice. Although prior notice of any such action may be given, except as otherwise required by applicable law, we shall be under no obligation to give you any such prior notice. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature suffered or incurred whether directly or indirectly by you as a result of any such action.
    6.2 Without prejudice to our rights under Clause 6.1 above, we may terminate your Mobile Card without giving any notice:
    (a) upon any breach of these Terms and Conditions or any terms and conditions of the Credit Card Agreement;
    (b) upon suspicion of fraudulent activity; and/or
    (c) upon termination of the Card and Card Account.
    6.3 You may terminate your Mobile Card (with or without terminating your Card in plastic card form) at any time by giving us notice through such channel (including writing to us or via designated service hotline) as accepted by us from time to time. You should then delete your Mobile Card from the Digital Wallet.
    7.1 Your Digital Wallet is provided by your Digital Wallet provider and the Bank is not responsible for its use or function. You acknowledge and agree that the Bank makes no representations, warranties or conditions relating to a Digital Wallet of any kind, and in particular, the Bank does not warrant or guarantee: (a) the operability or functionality of your Digital Wallet or that your Digital Wallet will be available to complete a transaction; (b) that any particular merchant will accept your Mobile Card; (c) that your Digital Wallet will meet your requirements or that the operation of your Digital Wallet will be uninterrupted or error-free; and (d) the availability or operability of the wireless networks of any electronic device.
    7.2 You acknowledge and agree that access, use and maintenance of a Mobile Card with a Digital Wallet depends on the Digital Wallet provider and the network connectivity and other third party services, applications or websites. The Bank does not operate the Digital Wallets or such networks and does not control their operations. We will not be liable to you for any circumstances which interrupt, prevent or otherwise affect the functioning of any Mobile Card with a Digital Wallet, such as unavailability of the Digital Wallet or your wireless service, communications, network delays, limitations on wireless coverage, system outages or interruption of a wireless connection. The Bank disclaims any responsibility for the Digital Wallet provider or any wireless service used to access, use or maintain a Mobile Card with a Digital Wallet.
    7.3 We shall not be liable whatsoever in relation to a Digital Wallet and/or Mobile Card, including without limitation, the performance or non-performance of your Digital Wallet and/or Mobile Card, or any loss, injury or inconvenience which you may suffer.
    7.4 We are not responsible for, and do not provide, any support or assistance for the Digital Wallet, any third party hardware, software or other products or services (including any technology-related questions you may have in connection with the Digital Wallet or your electronic device). You should contact the Digital Wallet provider for all technical assistance on the Digital Wallet (including but not limited to the types of electronic devices which support that Digital Wallet).
    Should you lose the electronic device which has a Digital Wallet containing your Mobile Card, discover that your Mobile Card had been used without your authorisation, or believe that your electronic device or Digital Wallet login information or other means to access your Digital Wallet have been compromised, you must notify us and request that we deactivate your Mobile Card as soon as reasonably practicable by calling our Customer Service Hotline at 2290 8888. In certain circumstances, we may also require you to make a police report accompanied by written confirmation of the loss or disclosure and any other information that we may require. Provided that you have not acted fraudulently or with gross negligence and you have not failed to inform us of the loss or unauthorised use of your Digital Wallet, you shall not be liable for any unauthorised transactions carried out before and/or after we have been notified of the loss or unauthorised use of your Mobile Card.
    We may from time to time by notice to you change any of these Terms and Conditions. Such changes will become effective and binding on you on the effective date specified by us. By retaining your Mobile Card in a Digital Wallet and/or use of your Mobile Card after the effective date of any change will constitute your acceptance of such change. If you do not accept any proposed change, you must deactivate your Mobile Card prior to the effective date of the change.
  10. CONTRACTS (RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES) ORDINANCE (CAP 623 OF THE LAWS OF HONG KONG) A person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions may not enforce any of its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong), but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from that Ordinance.
    If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

Important Tips
1. Your biometric credentials, including fingerprint and iris, used for authentication of digital wallet contactless transactions are not stored and cannot be deleted by us.
2. If you want to withdraw from using the biometric authentication method or check whether you have successfully removed your biometric credentials from your electronic device, please do so in your device’s settings.
3. DO NOT store anyone else’s fingerprint or biometric credentials in your electronic device.
4. If you have already set up access to your electronic device by way of passcode or fingerprint or other biometric credentials, review this and ensure that you change any passcode that can easily be guessed or that has already been shared with anyone else and delete any fingerprint or other biometric credentials that is not your own.


Effective date: 1st September 2024

A. These terms and conditions (“Agreement”) are applicable to all credit cards, except DBS Business Card and Manulife Card (with MediPlus), issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited from time to time (each a “Card”) and each of your Card Accounts (as defined below) unless specified by us otherwise. Please read them carefully before you activate, sign or use the Card or your Card Account. Upon activating, signing or using the Card or your Card Account, you shall be deemed to have accepted this Agreement and are bound by it.

B.  Accordingly, immediately after you receive the Card, please review this Agreement and if you accept it, please:
(i) complete the Card activation procedure; and
(ii) sign the back of the Card without delay.
If you do not accept this Agreement, you must notify us immediately. You should cut the Card so that the magnetic stripe, hologram and chip (if any) are no longer intact and dispose of it carefully. No charge will be made. As an unsigned Card can very easily be misused, you must act without delay to accept the Card or cut and dispose of the Card.

C.  Your attention is drawn to the following key provisions:

Key Provisions Relevant Clause(s)
1. Card activation and acknowledgment and A
your responsibility to sign the Card without delay B
2. Your obligations for Card/PIN/TIN security 3.1
3. Card misuse:  
(a) Our Lost Card Total Protection Service 3.3
(b) Your liability if you act fraudulently or negligently 3.4
4. Your liability for losses before Card loss is reported 3.3 & 3.4
5. Your payment obligations (including late fee and finance charge) 4.2
6. Your obligations upon termination 5.3
7. Our right to ask for repayment 5.4
8. Limited liability of Supplementary Cardholder/ Private Label Cardholder/Linked Cardholder 7.2
9. Your 60-day right to query your Card Account statement 9.2
10. Your right to terminate the Card if you do not accept any amendment 11
11. Our right to set off your DBS Bank account balances against amount due on your Card Account 13
12. Your right not to pay during our disputed amount procedure 15
13. Your liability for our collection costs 18.1

D. We aim to ensure you can fully understand how your Card and Card Account operate and will enjoy using our card services. If you have any questions, please contact our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline: 2290 8888.

E. Definition and Interpretation

“You”, “Your” or “Cardholder” means the person named on the Card.
“We”, “Our”, “Us” or “DBS Bank” means DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and its successors and assigns.
“DBS Bank Group” refers to DBS Group Holdings Limited, its subsidiaries and any company in which the same has a direct or indirect interest or with which it is in joint venture or co-operation, or their respective successors and assigns.
“Principal Cardholder” means the individual requesting us to issue the Card.
“Card Account” means the account in the name of the Principal Cardholder opened and maintained with us.
“Supplementary Card” means a Card we issued to you upon the request of a Principal Cardholder, which is to be used in conjunction with the Principal Cardholder’s Card Account.
“Supplementary Cardholder” means the individual holding the Supplementary Card.
“Private Label Card” means a Card which can be used to make authorized purchases at designated outlet(s) of the merchant named on the Card (“Merchant”) and is linked to the Principal Cardholder’s Card Account.
“Private Label Cardholder” means the individual holding the PrivateLabel Card.
“MediPlus” means a function on the Card covered by a valid medical insurance policy maintained with Manulife which enables the Cardholder
to enjoy the benefit of simplified medical claiming procedures.
“MediPlus Credit Card” means a Card which has the MediPlus function.
“Medical Institution” means a designated clinic, hospital or any other medical institution in Hong Kong providing medical services to you.
“Medical Transaction” means a transaction for payment of medical charges incurred at Medical Institutions.
“Linked Manulife Card” means a Card which is used exclusively for conducting Medical Transactions and is linked to the Principal Cardholder’s Card Account.
“Linked Cardholder” means the individual holding the Linked Manulife Card.
“Guardian” means the individual nominated by the Principal Cardholder (in writing to us) to operate any Linked Manulife Card on behalf of the Linked Cardholder.
“Terminal” means any automatic teller machine (“ATM”), dial terminal, electronic data capture terminal, smart card terminal or other point-of-sale terminal which enables you to give instructions in
respect of your Card.
For the avoidance of doubt, the definition of “Card” shall include any Supplementary Card, Private Label Card, MediPlus Credit Card, and/or Linked Manulife Card where appropriate.



If your application for a Card is approved, we shall send you the Card, a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and a Telephone Identification Number (TIN) to be used in conjunction with the Card to your address last notified to us unless you notify us in writing that you want to collect the Card from us in person. No PIN and TIN will be issued to Private Label Cardholders and Linked Cardholders. "Co-Branding Partners" means Manulife (International) Limited (“Manulife”) and its successors and assigns.


You may use your Card and/or your PIN for making authorized purchases or obtaining cash advances. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, no other person is allowed to use the Card and/or your PIN to conduct any transactions. We may determine at our sole discretion to offer additional services or modify any existing services that you may obtain using the Card and/or your PIN.


(a) You may use the phone banking services to request or accept specified services and to give instructions. You may also use our customer service hotline to request for services not provided by phone banking services and to give instructions to us. We shall authenticate your identity by whatever means of authentication as we think fit from time to time (including but not limited to TIN and/or one-time password) before we accept your request and/or instruction via phone banking services and/or customer service hotline.
(b) Instructions given through the phone banking services and/or customer service hotline once acknowledged by us are treated as accepted and binding on you and any amendment, cancellation or
reversal is not normally possible and will be at our discretion.
(c) We reserve the right to reject certain type of instructions to be given through the phone banking services and/or customer service hotline.
(d) Each instruction given through phone banking services and/or customer service hotline will be confirmed by a confirmation reference number, if applicable, given during the same telephone call.
(e) Any exchange rate or interest rate quoted is for reference only and shall not be binding on us.
(f) We shall have the right but shall not be obliged to record verbal requests, instructions and/or verbal communications between us, and you hereby consent us to do so.
(g) All requests made and/or instructions given in accordance with clause 1.3 and relied on or acted upon by us shall be irrevocable and binding on you, whether or not such instructions are given personally or authorised by you provided that the identity authentication is passed.
(h) We shall not be obliged to accept every request or instruction received and may refuse any of them without giving any reason. We shall only accept request or instruction in so far as is practicable or reasonable (as determined by us at our sole and absolute discretion) for us to do so and in accordance with our regular business practice and procedure.


(a) The Card must only be used by you as the person to whom the Card is issued and/or the Guardian on behalf of the Linked Cardholder. It is not transferable and you may not pledge the Card as security for any purpose. The Card must not be used in connection with illegal gambling transactions or for any other illegal or improper purposes (as determined by us at our sole discretion) and, if we believe such use has occurred, we may refuse to honour such Card transactions without notice.
(b) If you are holding a MediPlus Credit Card or a Linked Manulife Card, you can use the Card to settle payment for a Medical Transaction at a Medical Institution on the condition that:
(i) you can fulfil all claims settlement or payment requirements imposed by the Medical Institution from time to time which shall include but not limited to the supply of all necessary personal or medical information to the Medical Institution; and
(ii) you agree that Manulife may receive or obtain from the Medical Institution all relevant personal and medical information for the purpose of administering the claim and/or settlement pursuant to your use of MediPlus.
In respect of each Medical Transaction, you are liable for the payment of the difference between the amount of a Medical Transaction and the amount reimbursed by Manulife pursuant to the relevant insurance policy (“Medical Expense”). Any claim and/or settlement of a Medical Transaction shall be subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the relevant insurance policy issued by Manulife from time to time. The records of Manulife and/or DBS Bank in relation to any Medical Transaction shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive against and binding on you.
(c) We are entitled to debit from the Card Account any sum wrongly credited into that Card Account.
(d) We may from time to time offer different campaigns, promotions, features, services, benefits and/or privileges to you in relation to your use of Card depending on the type of your Card. Such campaigns, promotions, features, services, benefits and/or privileges shall be subject to their corresponding terms and conditions (“Supplementary Terms and Conditions”), which are available by calling the Customer Service Hotline, from the website ( or at our branches. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the Supplementary Terms and Conditions and this Agreement, the former shall prevail. 


A renewal Card will normally be issued at least 30 days prior to the expiry date of a Card. You must promptly inform us if a renewal Card has not been received by the Card expiry date.


We shall not be obliged to issue a replacement Card to you if your Card is lost, stolen or used in an unauthorised way.


We may (at our discretion) issue Supplementary Card(s), Private Label Card(s) and/or Linked Manulife Card(s) in the name(s) of any person(s) nominated in writing by the Principal Cardholder or at the joint request of the Principal Cardholder and the Guardian (where appropriate).



We may set a combined credit limit in respect of each Principal Cardholder and, within such credit limit, we may set an individual credit limit in respect of each Card Account (if applicable). The total amount (whether principal, interest, costs, fees and/or other amounts payable) incurred on all Card Accounts by the Principal Cardholder, the Supplementary Cardholder(s), the Private Label Cardholder(s) and/or the Linked Cardholder(s), whether or not immediately due, when added together, must not exceed the combined credit limit set for each Principal Cardholder. If an individual credit limit is set in respect of a Card Account, the total amount (whether principal, interest, costs, fees and/or other amounts payable) incurred on that Card Account by the Principal Cardholder, the Supplementary Cardholder(s), the Private Label Cardholder(s) and/or the Linked Cardholder(s), whether or not immediately due, when added together, must not exceed the credit limit set for that Card Account. The credit limit is uncommitted and we may, where necessary, review, vary or cancel the individual credit limit of any Card Account and/or the combined credit limit at our discretion without notice.


We may choose to authorise certain Card transactions that would result in a credit limit (being the combined credit limit and/or an individual credit limit in respect of a Card Account) being exceeded. You may make a request for us to decline to authorise Card transactions exceeding a credit limit (being the combined credit limit and/or an individual credit limit in respect of a Card Account). Despite such request, the total amount incurred on a Card Account may exceed a credit limit as a result of circumstances beyond our control (“Exceptional Transactions”). Exceptional Transactions may include, but are not limited to:
(a) transactions which do not require authorisation for effecting payment;
(b) transactions which have a posting amount exceeding the amount presented for authorisation caused, for example, by currency exchange fluctuation or surcharges levied by a merchant;
(c) transactions that are within the credit limit at the time of authorisation but, at the time they are submitted by the merchant for posting (often after a prolonged period of time), the credit limit may have been exceeded or they may cause the credit limit to be exceeded; or
(d) transactions directly authorised by the relevant card association (e.g. VISA, Mastercard, etc.).
Whenever your credit limit has been exceeded (including by amounts incurred from Exceptional Transactions), that part of the balance owing which exceeds the applicable credit limit (being the combined credit limit and/or any individual credit limit in respect of a Card Account) shall be immediately due and payable by you.  


We may also refuse to authorise any Card transaction that you wish to effect even though it would not cause a credit limit to be exceeded.



Your Card remains our property at all times. You must keep your Card securely and ensure that your PIN/TIN is not disclosed to any other person. You must take all reasonable steps to keep your Card safe and your PIN/TIN secret and to help prevent fraud. In particular:
(a) printed copies of the PIN/TIN should be destroyed;
(b)no one else should be permitted to use any Card and/or any PIN/TIN;
(c) a PIN/TIN should never be written on a Card or on anything kept with or near it, and should frequently be changed;
(d) if it is written down, a PIN/TIN should always be disguised;
(e) a self-selected PIN/TIN should avoid easily accessible personal information such as your identity card number, date of birth, telephone number or other obvious numbers;
(f) the PIN/TIN should never be used in other services (such as services on the internet);
(g) each Card should be kept safely; and
(h) each Card should only be used in accordance with such procedures, instructions and security features as may from time to time be notified to you.


Should you discover that your Card or PIN/TIN is lost, stolen or used in an unauthorised way, you must notify us as soon as reasonably practicable upon discovery of the loss, theft or unauthorised use by calling our Customer Service Hotline at 2290 8888 or our Report Lost or Stolen Card Hotline at 2832 6603. In certain circumstances, we may also require you to make a police report accompanied by written confirmation of the loss, theft or unauthorised use and any other information that we may require.


(a) Provided that you have not acted fraudulently or with gross negligence and you have not failed to inform us in accordance with clause 3.2 above of the loss, theft or unauthorised use of your Card and/or the PIN/TIN, subject to clause 18.4 below, you shall not be liable for any unauthorised transactions (except cash advances) carried out before and/or after we have been notified of the loss, theft or unauthorised use, and we will waive your liability:
(a) pay promptly on demand all debts, liabilities and/or other amounts from time to time owing under the Card Account; and (b) hold us harmless and indemnify us on a full indemnity basis and on demand for any liability for loss, damage, reasonable costs and expenses which we may suffer or incur by reason of:
(b) Notwithstanding the application of clause 3.3(a) above, your liability for any monthly or other periodic payment arrangements already established before we have been notified of the loss, theft or unauthorised use shall continue in accordance with clause 18.4.
(c) Our liability for loss incurred by you in any of the circumstances mentioned above shall be limited to our above waiver of your liability to us for the total amount (whether principal, interest or otherwise) charged to the Card in such circumstances.
(d) For the avoidance of doubt, if you fail to notify us of the loss, theft or unauthorised use of your Card and/or the PIN/TIN within a reasonable period of time upon the loss, theft or unauthorised use of your Card and/or the PIN/TIN, you shall be deemed to have acted with gross negligence by failing to take reasonable steps to keep the Card and/or PIN/TIN safe to prevent fraud.


If you have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence (including, but not limited to, you not acting in accordance with clauses 3.1 and 3.2, or you have failed to follow the safeguards that we recommend to you from time to time), then clause 3.3(a) shall not apply and you shall be liable and agree and undertake to:
(a) pay promptly on demand all debts, liabilities and/or other amounts from time to time owing under the Card Account; and
(b) hold us harmless and indemnify us on a full indemnity basis and on demand for any liability for loss, damage, reasonable costs and expenses which we may suffer or incur by reason of:
(i) any transaction conducted with the Card or otherwise incurred under the Card Account;
(ii) any information supplied in relation to the application for or use or loss of the Card being false, incomplete or inaccurate; and/or



We shall send the Principal Cardholder a Card Account statement every month listing the transactions posted to the Card Account, including the Medical Expenses. You shall be liable for all transactions effected or authorised through the use of the Card even if no sales draft is signed by you and/or the credit limit (being the combined credit limit and/or any individual credit limit in respect of a Card Account) is exceeded. Types of transactions that could be effected or authorised without your signature may include (but without limitation) orders placed over the telephone or the internet, orders placed by mail or by facsimile, and the use of a Card at a JETCO or other ATM, a merchant’s point-of-sale terminal, a credit card payphone or any other available device.


(a) Fees, charges and interests in respect of the Card are payable by you in accordance with the schedule of fees, charges and interest rates applicable to the Card (“Fee Schedule”) published by us and notified to you from time to time or any other notice which we may from time to time issue in the manner described in clause 11 below.
(b) On or before the payment due date in each month, you must pay us the statement balance in full or at least pay the minimum payment as specified in any monthly statement. You must also pay any amount in excess of the applicable credit limit (being the combined credit limit and/or any individual credit limit in respect of a Card Account). If the statement balance is paid in full by the payment due date, then no finance charge (other than the finance charge charged on cash advances and Specified Bill Payments pursuant to clause 4.3) will be charged. Subject to clause 4.3(b) and anything to the contrary in any applicable Supplementary Terms and Conditions, if the statement balance of a statement is not paid in full on the payment due date, then:
(i) the outstanding statement balance will be subject to a finance charge calculated and accrued on a daily basis from the day after the date of that statement; and (ii) every new transaction posted to the Card Account after the date of that statement will also be subject to the finance charge accruing from the date such transaction is posted to your Card Account, until the amount shown in the most recent Card Account statement or correspondence from us, our agent(s) or lawyer(s) (whichever is the most recent) is paid in full. The finance charge is calculated at a prevailing rate as shown in the Fee Schedule or any other notice.
(c) If you fail to pay the minimum payment on the payment due date as specified in any monthly statement, then:-
(i) your Card Account will be regarded as in a delinquent status,
(ii) a late fee and a finance charge will be charged at the rate shown in the Fee Schedule or any other notice; and
(iii) we may suspend your use of the Card and/or Card Account.
(d) Any finance charge payable by you shall be calculated based on a 365-day year.


(a) Notwithstanding the credit limits referred to in clause 2.1, you may use your Card (other than a Private Label Card and a Linked Manulife Card) and/or PIN to obtain cash advances and/or to make Internet bill payment, JET payment or bill payment through our customer service hotline and the “Pay & Transfer” function of our DBS digibank HK mobile application of the merchant categories of “Banking and Credit Card Services”, “Credit Card Payment” and/or “Credit Services” (“Specified Bill Payment”) (including all cash withdrawals, regardless of whether there is any balance standing credit to the Card Account) up to the limits prescribed by us for cash advances and Specified Bill Payments respectively from time to time, whether or not such limits are notified to you.
(b) We will charge interest on cash advances and Specified Bill Payments and relevant fees in the form of finance charge at the prevailing rates from time to time shown in the Fee Schedule or any other notice. Finance charge will be charged from the date a cash advance or a Specified Bill Payment (as appropriate) is made until the date of actual repayment.


All payments to us must be made in Hong Kong Dollars. We or other third parties (such as the banks of merchants) will convert Card transactions not denominated in Hong Kong Dollars into Hong Kong Dollars at the rate selected by the relevant card association (e.g. VISA, Mastercard, etc.) from a range of wholesale market rates or government-mandated rates, or (where converted by other third parties) at the other third party’s applicable exchange rate on the conversion date, plus an additional foreign exchange rate adjustment set by us together with any fees charged by the relevant card association to us, if applicable. The exchange rates selected by the card associations are available from the Customer Service Hotline, but for any other third party’s exchange rates, you may need to contact the relevant party directly.


Deposits made at a terminal will be credited to the Card Account only when verified by us. Cheques are accepted for collection only and remain subject to clearance. The proceeds will only be available following clearance and receipt of payment by us.



(a) We may (where the circumstances are considered reasonable) at any time suspend, withdraw, cancel or terminate your right to use the Card, Card Account and/or any related services offered (such as any credit limit, whether the combined credit limit and/or any individual credit limit in respect of a Card Account, any cash advance and any rewards programme or other service or promotional arrangements) and/or disapprove any proposed Card transaction (including Medical Transaction) even though it would not cause the credit limit (whether the combined credit limit and/or any individual credit limit in respect of a Card Account) to be exceeded, in each case with or without giving any reason or notice. Although prior notice of any such action may be given, we shall be under no obligation to give you any such prior notice. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature suffered or incurred whether directly or indirectly by you as a result of any such action. Upon our request, you shall immediately return every or any Card to us. Your Card shall cease to be valid upon, and must not be used following your death, bankruptcy or insolvency or when we cease to know your whereabouts.
(b) If you are holding a MediPlus Credit Card or a Linked Manulife Card, once the relevant insurance policy of the Principal Cardholder ceases to be valid:
(i) the MediPlus function of the Card shall cease to be valid; and
(ii) we may, at our sole discretion, terminate the Linked Manulife Card without notice.


You may terminate your Card and Card Account at any time by giving us notice. You should then cut the relevant Card so that the magnetic stripe, hologram and chip (if any) are no longer intact and dispose of it carefully. The Principal Cardholder may also terminate any Supplementary Card, Private Label Card and/or Linked Manulife Card. Once the Principal Card is terminated, all Supplementary Card(s), Private Label Card(s) and Linked Manulife Card(s) will automatically be terminated. However, the Principal Card shall remain valid if any of Supplementary Card, Private Label Card and/or Linked Manulife Card is terminated.


Upon the termination of your Card and Card Account for whatever reason, you shall not continue to use your Card, otherwise you will remain liable for all transactions made after the termination. Your obligations under this Agreement will continue after the termination in respect of all outstanding debit balances (including any amounts incurred but not yet debited to your Card Account or any monthly or other periodic payment arrangements already established before such termination) on your Card Account. All such outstanding debit balances shall become payable immediately on demand. Until the outstanding debit balances are paid in full, a finance charge may be imposed as set out in clause 4.2 above.


The entire outstanding debit balance on the Card Account shall become immediately due and payable:
(a) upon demand by us;
(b) upon termination of the Card and Card Account; and/or
(c) upon any breach by you, any Supplementary Cardholder, any Private Label Cardholder, any Linked Cardholder and /or Guardian of any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement.


6.1 No interest will accrue on any balance standing credit to your Card Account.
6.2 You may request to withdraw any credit balance in your Card Account in writing and such credit balance will be refunded to you within 7 working days from the date we have received your written request.
6.3 If a credit balance remains after the Card and Card Account are terminated, you shall promptly arrange to collect this balance (subject to clause 6.2 above) within one month from the termination date. If you fail to collect such credit balance, we may forfeit your entitlement to such balance or release such balance to any person who can show a good claim.



If you are the Principal Cardholder, you are liable for and must pay us on demand the outstanding amount (including principal, interest, costs, fees and/or other amounts payable), whether incurred by you, the Supplementary Cardholder(s), the Private Label Cardholder(s) and/or Linked Cardholder(s), debited to your Card Account. You are jointly and severally liable with each Supplementary Cardholder, Private Label Cardholder or Linked Cardholder for such part of the outstanding balance in connection with the Supplementary Card, Private Label Card or the Linked Manulife Card (including any transaction effected by the Guardian).


The Supplementary Cardholder, the Private Label Cardholder and/or the Linked Cardholder are/is liable, jointly and severally with you, only for such part of the outstanding balance as relates to the use of his/her Supplementary Card, Private Label Card and/or Linked Manulife Card (including any transaction effected by the Guardian) (as the case may be).


Any invalidity, unenforceability, release or discharge of the liability of any Cardholder to us shall not affect the liability of any other Cardholder (if any) to us.


Our rights and obligations relating to each Principal Cardholder, Supplementary Cardholder, Private Label Cardholder and/or Linked Cardholder are not affected by any dispute or claim that you may have against each other.



We are not liable in any way:
(a) should your Card or PIN/TIN be rejected by a merchant, financial institution, any other person or any terminal used to process Card transactions or if we refuse for any reason to authorise any Card transaction;
(b) for any non-availability of any terminal used to process Card transactions, or any other machine or system of authorisation whether belonging to or operated by us or other persons whether due to malfunction, defect, power or other failure or for any other reason;
(c) for any delay or inability on our part to perform any of our obligations under this Agreement because of any electronic, mechanical, system, data processing or telecommunication defect or failure, Act of God, civil disturbance or any event outside our reasonable control or the control of any of our servants, agents or contractors or any fraud or forgery; or
(d) for any damage to or loss of or inability to retrieve any data or information that may be stored in your Card or any microchip or circuit or device in your Card(s).


Unless the fault is obvious or advised by a message or notice such that you should have been aware of the fault, we will be responsible for any amount incorrectly charged to your Card Account (plus any interest thereon) as a direct result of any fault in any terminal or other system used to process Card transactions.


We are not liable in any way should you encounter any defect, deficiency or problem with any goods or services that you obtain from any merchant through the use of your Card nor are we responsible for any benefits, discounts or promotion programmes of any merchant that are available to you through your use of the Card. We make no representation as to the quality, provision or performance of any such goods or services. You should resolve any complaints about any such goods and services or any benefits, discounts or promotion programmes directly with the relevant merchant, financial institution or other person. In spite of any non-delivery or non-performance of, or defect in, any such goods or services, you shall pay us the full amount shown in the Card Account statement. No claim by you against any merchant, financial institution or other person shall be the subject of set-off or counter-claim against us. We will credit the Card Account with the amount of any refund or price adjustment only on receipt of a properly issued credit slip duly imprinted and signed by the merchant, financial institution or other person making the refund or price adjustment (as the case may be).


If you are holding a MediPlus Credit Card or a Linked Manulife Card, we are not liable in any way should you encounter any problem with any claim made pursuant to the relevant insurance policy. You should resolve any such problem directly with Manulife. In spite of any dispute between you and Manulife in respect of any claim, you shall pay us the full amount shown in the Card Account statement. We will credit the Card Account with the amount of any claim adjustment only on receipt of a written notification issued by Manulife.



Any of our records relating to Card transactions conducted with your authorisation (whether with or without your signature) and/or PIN/TIN validation are conclusive evidence of their accuracy and authenticity and shall be binding on you for all purposes. All Card transactions, fees, charges, interests and/or other amounts payable by you will be charged to the Card Account in Hong Kong Dollars. A statement showing, amongst other things, the amounts so charged and the payment due date, will be sent to you monthly (or at such other intervals as we may decide from time to time). We may not issue a statement if there has been no transaction since the most recent statement and there is no payment due or the balance is a credit. The Card Account balance may be requested by contacting the Customer Service Hotline.


You agree to examine each Card Account statement received from us and to notify us of any alleged error or omission within 60 days after such statement was provided, whether by personal delivery, posting or any other arrangement described in clause 14.1. After such 60-day period, the transactions shown on such statement shall be deemed as correct, accepted, conclusive and binding on you and you will be deemed to have waived any right to raise any objection or pursue any remedies against us in relation to such transactions.


You agree to inform us promptly if the regular Card Account statement has not been received within a reasonable time. Your liability to us remains even if, for any reason, you do not receive your Card Account statement in any month.


Payments to us shall be treated as made only when the relevant funds have actually been received. We shall use the payment amount we received to settle firstly, any billed fees, charges and interest, then 1% of the statement balance (excluding the billed fees, charges and interest) (collectively, the “Minimum Payment”). Any amount in excess of the Minimum Payment shall be applied to settle the remaining portion of the statement balance in the order of (i) Fee Based Instalment Programme or Flexi Shopping Programme (as the case may be) and Instalment Loan (that is, Call-a-loan); (ii) cash advance; (iii) retail transaction; and (iv) Funds Transfer, from that with highest interest rate to lowest interest rate. Any amount in excess of the statement balance shall be applied to settle any fees, charges and interest incurred but not yet billed, if any, then to settle new transactions incurred after the date of that statement with the highest interest rate to lowest interest rate. We reserve the right to vary the above order for appropriation of any payment received by us to or towards any indebtedness due to us at our sole discretion.


We may from time to time by notice to you change any of these terms and conditions and/or the Fee Schedule (including the applicable credit limit of the Cardholder and/or Card Account, payment terms, interest rates, handling charges, annual fees and other fees and charges as stipulated in the Fee Schedule). Such changes will become effective and binding on you on the effective date specified by us and will apply to all outstanding balances on the Card Account. At least 60 days’ notice of changes to fees or other charges payable and of changes that increase your liabilities or obligations will be given. Retention or use of the Card after the effective date of any change will constitute your acceptance of such change. If you do not accept any proposed change, the Card and Card Account must be terminated in accordance with clause 5.2 prior to the effective date of the change.



We follow the DBS Bank Group Data Policy Notice in force from time to time. A copy of such policy has been provided to you when you apply for the Card. You have accepted such policy and it shall form part of this Agreement. Further copies of such policy are available by calling the Customer Service Hotline, from the website ( or at our branches.


Your data may from time to time be used for direct marketing and/or promotional purposes by us regarding products and special promotions from the DBS Bank Group, the Co-Branding Partners, the Merchant and their associates and carefully selected third parties with your consent. If you do not want such use to be made of such data or if you wish to revoke any consent given to us for such use, you should notify us in writing to Account Processing – Opt Out, DBS Bank, GPO Box 400, Hong Kong or such other address as we may notify you from time to time.


We may from time to time release your data to the respective Co-Branding Partners in connection with the administration and maintenance of the Card and Card Account. The Co-Branding Partners shall be solely responsible for using such personal data in accordance with its policies and practices and the applicable legal regulatory requirements.



We shall be entitled at any time and without notice to you, to combine or consolidate any credit balance on any of your accounts maintained with us (whether matured or not) with the settlement of any debit balance on your Card Account and to set off any such credit balance against any such debit balance, in each case regardless of where your other accounts are located or whether your other accounts are held in your sole name or jointly with others.


Where any combination, consolidation or set-off undertaken by us involves the conversion of one currency to another, we shall make the necessary conversion at our prevailing currency exchange rate. Any losses that may arise from such conversion shall not be recoverable from us.



Any Card, Card Account statement, notice or communication to you may be given by us in writing or orally.  If in writing, it may be delivered by ordinary pre-paid post, personal delivery, courier, registered mail, facsimile, short message service (“SMS”), electronic mail, electronic platforms or other electronic means to your last known address, number or electronic mail details or to such other address, number or electronic mail details as you may have notified us in writing or by other electronic means as we deem appropriate or by posting a notice on our website and it will be deemed to be given, made or received:

(a) if sent by ordinary pre-paid mail to places in Hong Kong, 2 calendar days after posting (notwithstanding that it may be returned through the post office undelivered);
(b) if sent by ordinary prepaid mail to places outside Hong Kong, 7 calendar days after posting (notwithstanding that it may be returned through the post office undelivered);
(c) if sent by personal delivery, at the time left at the relevant address;
(d) if sent by courier or registered mail, on the date it is delivered or delivery is attempted (notwithstanding that it is undelivered or returned undelivered);
(e) if sent by facsimile, at the time shown on the transmission report as being successfully sent;
(f) if sent by SMS or electronic mail, at the time of delivery from our electronic messaging system (notwithstanding that it was not successfully delivered);
(g) if delivered via electronic platforms or other electronic means, 24 hours after we send it (notwithstanding that it was not successfully delivered); and
(h) if delivered by posting a notice on our website, at the time of posting.

If any communication sent to you is returned to us or if we are otherwise notified that any particular means of communication is no longer effective, subject to applicable laws, we may at our sole discretion cease to use such means of communication until you have updated the relevant contact details. In particular, we may cease to send any Card, Card Account statement, notice  or communication to your address upon receiving any returned mail from such address.


Any Supplementary Card, Private Label Card and/or Linked Manulife Card, Card Account statement, correspondence and/or information in connection with and/or arising from the operation of a Supplementary Card, a Private Label Card and/or a Linked Manulife Card, notice or any amendment to this Agreement that is sent by us to the Principal Cardholder shall be considered to have been sent and received by the Supplementary Cardholder, the Private Label Cardholder, the Linked Cardholder and the Guardian at the same time. The Supplementary Cardholder, the Private Label Cardholder, the Linked Cardholder and the Guardian shall be deemed to have consented to the disclosure and provision of his/her personal or other data contained in any of the above communication by us to the Principal Cardholder. On the other hand, a Supplementary Cardholder, a Private Label Cardholder, a Linked Cardholder and the Guardian shall also have the right to request access to data in relation to the Card Account relevant to his/her use of the Supplementary Card, the Private Label Card and/or the Linked Manulife Card and the Principal Cardholder shall be deemed to have consented to the disclosure and provision of such data by us to the Supplementary Cardholder, the Private Label Cardholder, the Linked Cardholder and/or the Guardian


It is your responsibility to ensure that your address and other contact details notified to us are correct and up to date at all times. You should notify us promptly in writing of any changes in personal details (including address, employment, permanent residence or telephone number) or of any difficulty in repaying any indebtedness or in meeting any payment due and payable under the Card Account.


If you report an unauthorised transaction or a disputed insurance claim to us before the payment due date, you may withhold payment of the disputed amount during the investigation period. Such transaction will be removed from the statement if in the case of unauthorised transactions, our investigation concludes that your report was correct or, in the case of disputed insurance claims, Manulife issues a written notification to us to conclude the disputed insurance claim. Otherwise we may re-impose the applicable interest and/or finance charges over the whole period, including the investigation period


Any payment instalment loan entered into through the use of a Card shall be governed by separate terms and conditions (as amended from time to time). You may obtain a copy of such terms and conditions from the relevant merchant when you apply for such payment instalment loan or by downloading it from our website ( In respect of any payment instalment loan, should there be any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of any payment instalment loan and this Agreement, the former shall prevail.


You can use your Card (other than a Private Label Card and a Linked Manulife Card) to effect banking transactions through your bank account with us. Such transactions are subject to the relevant terms and conditions governing your bank account from time to time. The records of any banking transaction shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive against and binding on you, and the records will only appear on the relevant bank account statement. Banking transactions may not be conducted using a Supplementary Card unless the Supplementary Cardholder’s relevant bank account can be operated with his/her single signature.



We may, at our discretion, engage debt collection agents and/or lawyers for collection of any moneys owing by you to us or for enforcement of any of our rights against you hereunder. You shall indemnify us on demand in respect of all collection costs and expenses that we reasonably incur. The total collection costs from engaging debt collection agents to be recovered shall in normal circumstances not exceed 30% of the amount owing by you to us. For the avoidance of doubt, the abovementioned ceiling of 30% shall not apply to the costs and expenses we incur from engaging lawyers.


(a) You may give instructions to us and we may accept any instructions given: (i) in writing and delivered in person or by post, courier, electronic mail, electronic platforms or other electronic means or facsimile and, if a specimen signature was provided to us, with signing which resembles the specimen provided to us; (ii) orally over the telephone or in person at our branches; (iii) electronically through any internet banking service made available by us from time to time or otherwise via the internet; or (iv) through any other channel (including electronic channel) as prescribed by us from time to time.
(b) All instructions as understood and acted on by us, shall be binding on you whether given by you or by any other person purporting to be you. Any transaction effected pursuant to or as a result of an instruction shall be binding on you whether or not made by you or with your authority, knowledge or consent.
(c)  We shall have no responsibility to assess the prudence or otherwise of any instruction or to determine the authenticity of any instruction or to verify the identity or authority of the person giving or purporting to give the instruction.
(d)  We shall be entitled to act in accordance with our regular business practice and procedures and will only accept instructions insofar as we consider practicable and reasonable to do so.
(e)  We shall be entitled at any time, at our discretion, to refuse to carry out any instruction. We in so refusing are not obliged to give any reason nor be held responsible for refusing to act on any instructions.
(f)   Without limiting the generality of our right to refuse to carry out any instruction, if we are of the opinion that there are errors, ambiguities or conflict in the instruction, we shall be entitled to refuse to execute the instruction until clarification is obtained or to construe and execute the instruction in the manner in which it is perceived by us, and we may refuse to act on any instruction that is inconsistent with any applicable law to which we are subject, and in doing so we shall not be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any losses thereby incurred or suffered by you.
(g)  If we determine that any instruction or other circumstances may expose or lead us (whether directly or indirectly) to suffer loss or incur expense or prejudice our rights or interest, or damage or prejudice our credibility, reputation or standing, we have the right to refuse to carry out the instruction, suspend the operation of the Card Account without notice to you and without giving any reasons for so doing, and to require an indemnity from you or any third party before allowing continued operation of the Card Account or complying with the instruction, and in doing so we shall not be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any losses thereby incurred or suffered by you.
(h)  We may set cut-off times (details are available on request) by which instructions must be received in order for us to process on the same day. If instructions are received after the cut-off times or on Saturday, Sunday or public holiday on which we are not opened for general business, the instruction will be processed on the next business day. If we are to act on an instruction before a deadline, you must ensure that the instructions are given before any cut-off times or if none are specified, reasonable time is given to us to process the instruction and to communicate to any relevant third parties. We will not be liable for any failure by you to meet the cut-off time or if the instructions are not received within a reasonable time before the deadline.
(i)   You agree that we shall have no obligation or liability for carrying out instructions if (despite reasonable efforts), the instructions cannot reasonably be performed or completed by us in full and on a timely basis. We are entitled to effect partial performance of an instruction without prior notice to or confirmation from you.
(j)   You acknowledge, accept and agree that (i) any telephone instruction or instruction given by facsimile, electronic mail or other electronic means which we may allow or through such other communication channels as we may from time to time approve (“Remote Instructions”)are not secure communication channels and may be given by unauthorised persons and/or for dishonest purposes and (ii) giving Remote Instructions increases the risks of error, misunderstanding and/or conflict arising.  You are willing to accept such risks and agree to be bound by the resulting transaction, as understood and carried out by us in good faith.
(k)  You acknowledge, agree and/or undertake that:
(i)  we shall have no liability or responsibility for errors or omission contained in any Remote Instruction, or any delay in receipt or execution or any non-receipt of a Remote Instruction, provided that we have acted in good faith;
(ii)  we shall not be liable for any losses which you may suffer in connection with us acting in accordance with the Remote Instruction including any oral instruction of a person who is not you, or any facsimile instruction upon which the signature may be forged or is otherwise unauthorised;
(iii) we shall be entitled at any time, at our absolute discretion, to require confirmation of Remote Instructions before carrying them out, or refuse to carry out any Remote Instruction;
(iv) if we give a confirmation of any Remote Instruction, you must examine such confirmation and notify us as soon as practicable but no later than within 1 business day of its receipt of any error or discrepancy or unauthorised transaction. Unless notified within such period or there is manifest error, fraud or negligence by us or our personnel, such confirmation shall be deemed correct and conclusive evidence that the instruction is authorised;

  1. a note made by our personnel of any oral instruction shall be conclusive and binding evidence of such instruction, provided that we shall not be obliged to cause our personnel to make any note of any instruction and the failure to make such note shall not affect the acceptance by us of the oral instruction;
  2. if any written confirmation of any Remote Instruction is given by you to us, it must be clearly marked: “Confirmation only-do not duplicate”. If any confirmation is not clearly marked in this way, we will not be liable for any consequences, including for any losses if an instruction is executed more than once; and
you should ensure that any facsimile is sent to the correct facsimile number of us as advised by us from time to time and we shall have no liability for any claim or loss in relation to any failure on your part to do so.


(a) To help ensure service quality, you accept that we may (but shall not be obliged to) record telephone instructions, other telephone calls and other oral instructions. All such recordings shall remain our property and shall be conclusive evidence of the instructions given and shall be binding on you. You hereby agree to such recording.
(b) We may set retention periods for such recordings and any documents after which originals may be destroyed. Microfilm or other imaged copies may be taken and retained in place of the original documents and such imaged versions shall be regarded as of equivalent authenticity and effect as the originals.


The arrangement you make with a merchant for charging instalment or other regular payments owing to that merchant to your Card Account is strictly between you and the relevant merchant. Accordingly, if you wish to modify or terminate any such arrangement, you must do so directly with the relevant merchant, otherwise such instalment or other regular payments shall continue to be charged to your Card Account. If the Card and Card Account are terminated or if you have reported to us that the Card is lost, stolen or being used in an unauthorised way, you should contact the relevant merchant(s) directly to make other arrangements for charging such instalment or other regular payments as we may not be able to continue charging such instalment or other regular payments to your Card Account. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage you may suffer as a result of any non-acceptance of any arrangement to charge or any inability to charge such instalment or other regular payments to your Card Account for any reason.


Any delay or failure by us to exercise our rights and/or remedies under this Agreement does not represent a waiver of any of our rights. We shall be considered to have waived our rights only if we specifically notify you of such a waiver in writing.


We, the Co-Branding Partners and/or the Merchants may provide, at our sole discretion, additional services, benefits or programmes (including but not limited to welcome offer, spending reward scheme) in connection with your Card. Those additional services, benefits or programmes are subject to their own terms and conditions. You may obtain a copy of the relevant terms and conditions by downloading it from our website ( We, the Co-Branding Partners and/or the Merchants may withdraw or change such additional services, benefits or programmes at any time.


We may assign all or any of our rights under or in connection with this Agreement and the Card Account to any third party (including upon any merger or amalgamation of us with any other entity). We may also transfer or delegate all or part of our duties and obligations hereunder to selected third parties. Such rights of assignment, transfer or delegation may be exercised without notice to or consent from you, but will be subject to all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.


This Agreement is personal to you and your rights and obligations under this Agreement may not be assigned. This Agreement shall be binding upon each of your successor(s), personal representative(s) and person(s) lawfully acting on your behalf.


Any termination of this Agreement by any party shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of any party existing or incurred prior to such termination.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) and each party shall submit to the non-exclusive jurisdictions of the courts of Hong Kong.

18.11  TAX

You agree to be bound by the terms relating to tax reporting, withholding and associated requirements specified in the Tax Requirements Notice from time to time issued by us, which are incorporated by reference into and shall form part of this Agreement. A copy of the Tax Requirements Notice is available on request at our branches or from the website (


A person who is not a party to this Agreement may not enforce any of its provisions under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).


20.1 As a licensed bank, we are subject to certain limitations on advances to persons related to the directors, employees, controllers or minority shareholder controllers of us, our subsidiaries or Affiliates (“Connected Persons”). Unless otherwise declared or disclosed to us, you hereby confirm to us that you are not a Connected Person. You undertake to immediately advise us in writing upon becoming a Connected Person at any time while there is any outstanding statement balance in the Card Account.

20.2 For the purpose of this clause 20, the following terms shall have the following definition:
“controllers” and “minority shareholder controllers” shall have the meanings used within the relevant rules relating to exposures to connected parties under the Banking (Exposure Limits) Rules of the
Banking Ordinance (Cap 155 of the Laws of Hong Kong);
“subsidiary” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong); and
“Affiliates” in respect of a party, means any other legal entity, directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under the direct or indirect common control with that party and “control” in this
definition means (a) the direct or indirect ownership of 50% or more of the voting share capital of a party; or (b) the entitlement to exercise, or control the exercise of 50% or more of the voting power of a party; or (c) the ability of a party (whether directly or indirectly and whether by ownership of share capital, possession of voting power, contract or otherwise) to direct the management and policies of another party or to control the composition of the other party’s board of directors or equivalent body.


If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail.


This Notice sets out terms relating to tax withholding, reporting and associated requirements which apply to and are binding on customers of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and DBS Bank Ltd., Hong Kong Branch (together the “Bank”) and applicants for banking or financial services and facilities from the Bank (referred to in this Notice as “You” or “Your”). The provisions of this Notice shall form part of the account terms and conditions and/or the agreements or arrangements that You enter into with the Bank.

For the purposes of this Notice, “DBS Group” means DBS Bank Ltd. and its branches, holding company, representative offices, subsidiaries and affiliates (including branches or offices of such subsidiary or affiliate).

In this Notice “Compliance Requirement” means obligations imposed on any member of the DBS Group under or pursuant to:

(a) any law binding or applying to it within or outside Hong Kong existing currently and in the future (e.g. the Inland Revenue Ordinance and its provisions including those concerning automatic exchange of financial account information);
(b) any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers within or outside Hong Kong existing currently and in the future (e.g. guidelines or guidance given or issued by the Inland Revenue Department including those concerning automatic exchange of financial account information);
(c) any present or future contractual or other commitment with local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers that is assumed by or imposed on the Bank or any other member of DBS Group by reason of its financial, commercial, business or other interests or activities in or related to the jurisdiction of the relevant local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authority, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations.

1. Disclosure of information

You consent to and authorise the Bank, its staff and any other person who by reason of their scope of work or capacity or office have access to the Bank’s records, registers or any correspondence or material with regards to Your personal and account information (“Personal Information”) to disclose any of the Personal Information, where such disclosure is required under any applicable Compliance Requirement, to:

(a) any of the Bank’s branches, representative offices, related companies, subsidiaries, or any of the Bank’s other offices, wherever situated and which may be within or outside of Hong Kong; and
(b) any local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers, including any settlement and clearing agency, whether Hong Kong or foreign, all of which may be within or outside Hong Kong and may be existing currently and in the future.
You undertake and agree to obtain this consent and authorization from any person associated with You, including Your legal and equitable owners and payment recipients, in respect of which the disclosures may be required under any Compliance Requirement.

2. Notification of change in circumstances

You will promptly notify the Bank in writing of any change in:
(a) Your particular(s), circumstance(s), status, including any change in citizenship, residence, tax residency, address(es) on record, telephone or facsimile number and email address; and
(b) (where applicable) Your constitution, shareholders, partners, directors or company secretary, or the nature of Your business.

3. Cooperation with enquiries

You will cooperate fully in respect of any enquiry that the Bank may make for the purposes of compliance with any Compliance Requirement including promptly providing all relevant information, details and/or documents as may be necessary to enable the Bank to comply with the same.

4. Right to withhold payments

Any sum that may be payable by the Bank to You shall be subject to all applicable laws and regulations, including Compliance Requirements and rules prescribed by the relevant settlement and clearing agencies, any withholding tax requirement, foreign exchange restriction or control. You agree and acknowledge that pursuant to the foregoing the Bank may, without notice or liability to You, perform, or cause to be performed withholding of any monies payable to You, deposit any such monies into a sundry or other account and/or retain such monies pending determination of the applicability of such withholding tax requirement, foreign exchange restriction or control. The Bank shall not be liable for any gross up or any losses that may be incurred by reason of such withholding, retention or deposit.

5. Termination

You agree that the Bank has a right to block transactions, transfer arrangements or terminate all or any of Your accounts or the agreements or arrangements entered into between You and the Bank at any time without having to give any reason or notice if You fail to comply with any of the requirements under this Notice.

6. Inconsistent terms

If there is any inconsistency between the terms herein and any other terms in the account terms and conditions and/or the agreements or arrangements that You entered into with the Bank, the terms herein shall prevail insofar as they relate to the Bank’s compliance with the Compliance Requirements.

January 2017


This Notice sets out the data policies of DBS Bank Ltd1 and all its direct and indirect subsidiaries in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”), save and except for DBS Vickers (Hong Kong) Limited2, (each a “Company”).  For the avoidance of doubt, this includes DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited3.  The provisions of this Notice form part of the account terms and conditions and/or the agreement or arrangements that a data subject enters into with the Company.  If any inconsistency is found, the provisions of this Notice shall prevail.

For the purposes of this Notice, “DBS Group” means DBS Bank Ltd and its branches, holding company, representative offices, subsidiaries and affiliates (including branches or offices of such subsidiary or affiliate).

References to “data subjects” in this Notice means the customers of the Company and various other persons, including without limitation, applicants for banking/financial services and facilities, sureties and persons providing security or guarantee or any form of support for obligations owed to a Company, shareholders, directors, corporate officers and managers, sole proprietors, partners, suppliers, contractors, service providers and other contractual counterparties supplying data (including personal data as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”)) to the Company.

    a. From time to time, it is necessary for data subjects to supply the Company with data in connection with various matters such as the opening or continuation of accounts, the establishment or continuation of banking facilities, the provision of banking and other financial services, or the provision of supplies or services to the Company and data subjects.

    b. Failure to supply such data may result in the Company being unable to open or continue accounts or establish or continue banking facilities or provide banking or other financial services, or accept or continue with the provision of supplies or services.

    c. It is also the case that data are collected from data subjects in the ordinary course of the continuation of the relationships with them, for example, when data subjects write cheques, deposit money, give instructions or otherwise carry out transactions as part of the Company's services.  The Company will also collect data relating to the data subjects from third parties, including third party service providers with whom the data subjects interact in connection with the marketing of the Company's products and services and in connection with the data subjects’ application for the Company's products and services (including receiving personal data from credit reference agencies approved for participation in the Multiple Credit Reference Agencies Model (hereinafter referred to as “credit reference agencies”)).

    d. The purposes for which data relating to a data subject may be used will vary depending on the nature of the data subject's relationship with the Company. Broadly, they may comprise any or all of the following purposes:

      i. considering, assessing and processing of applications for banking and/or other financial services and facilities;

      ii. operation of the services and credit facilities provided by or to the Company or to data subjects;

      iii. provision of references (status enquiries);

      iv. conducting credit and other status checks;

      v. assisting other credit providers in Hong Kong approved for participation in the Multiple Credit Reference Agencies Model (hereinafter referred to as “credit providers”) to conduct credit checks and collect debts;

      vi. ensuring ongoing credit-worthiness of data subjects;

      vii. researching and/or designing financial services or related products for data subjects' use;

      viii. marketing services, products and other subjects (please see further details in paragraph (j) below);

      ix. operating internal controls including determining the amount of indebtedness owed to or by data subjects;

      x. performing treasury functions;

      xi. provision of investment management services, dealing and advisory services, custody services and other services under the terms and conditions of the accounts a data subject holds with the Company;

      xii. the enforcement of data subjects' obligations, including without limitation the collection of amounts outstanding from data subjects and those providing security for data subjects' obligations;

      xiii. for operational purposes, credit assessment, credit scoring models or statistical analysis (including in each case, behaviour analysis and evaluation on overall relationship with the DBS Group which includes using such data to comply with any obligations, requirements, policies, procedures, measures or arrangements for sharing data and information within DBS Group and/or any other use of data and information in accordance with any group-wide programmes for compliance with sanctions or prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities), whether on the data subjects or otherwise;

      xiv. complying with the obligations, requirements or arrangements for disclosing and using data that apply to the Company or any other member of DBS Group or that it is expected to comply according to:

        1. any law binding or applying to it within or outside Hong Kong existing currently and in the future (e.g. the Inland Revenue Ordinance and its provisions including those concerning automatic exchange of financial account information);

        2. any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers within or outside Hong Kong existing currently and in the future (e.g. guidelines or guidance given or issued by the Inland Revenue Department including those concerning automatic exchange of financial account information); and

        3. any present or future contractual or other commitment with local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers that is assumed by or imposed on the Company or any other member of DBS Group by reason of its financial, commercial, business or other interests or activities in or related to the jurisdiction of the relevant local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authority, or self- regulatory or industry bodies or associations;

      xv. enabling an actual or proposed assignee of the Company or any other member of DBS Group, or participant or sub-participant of the rights of the Company or those of any other member of DBS Group in respect of the data subject, to evaluate, enter into and administer the transaction intended to be the subject of the assignment, participation or sub-participation;

      xvi. purposes specifically provided for in any particular service or facility offered by the Company. Such procedures include matching procedures (as defined in the Ordinance, but broadly includes comparison of two or more sets of the data subject's data, for purposes of taking actions adverse to the interests of the data subject, such as declining an application); and

      xvii. all other incidental and associated purposes relating to any of the above, including seeking professional advices.

      The Company keeps data only for as long as is reasonably required for the above purposes or as required by applicable law.  This includes keeping, for as long as reasonably required, such data as required for handling enquiries relating to any of the above purposes.

    e. Data held by the Company relating to a data subject will be kept confidential but, subject to the data subject’s separate consent (insofar as the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China (“PIPL”) is applicable to the Company’s process and/or use of the data subject’s data), the Company may provide such information to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong) for any of the purposes set out in paragraph (d):

      i. any member of DBS Group, agent, contractor or third party service provider (or a subsidiary, holding company or related company thereof) who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, debt collection or securities clearing, data processing or other services to the Company or any other member of DBS Group in connection with the operation of its business;

      ii. any other person which has undertaken expressly or impliedly to the Company or any other member of DBS Group to keep such information confidential;

      iii. any authorized institution (as such term is defined in the Banking Ordinance) or other authorised or regulated entity of similar nature in another jurisdiction with which the data subject has or proposes to have dealings;

      iv. the drawee bank providing a copy of a paid cheque (which may contain information about the payee) to the drawer;

      v. third party service providers with whom the data subject has chosen to interact with in connection with the data subject’s application for the Company’s banking and/or other financial products and services;

      vi. credit reference agencies (including the operator of any centralized database used by credit reference agencies), and, in the event of default, to debt collection agencies;

      vii. any person to whom the Company or any other member of DBS Group is under an obligation or otherwise required to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on or applying to the Company or any other member of DBS Group, or any disclosure under and for the purposes of any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers with which the Company or any other member of DBS Group are expected to comply, or any disclosure pursuant to any contractual or other commitment of the Company or any other member of DBS Group with local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers, all of which may be within or outside Hong Kong and may be existing currently and in the future;

      viii. any actual or proposed assignee of the Company or any other member of DBS Group, or participant or sub-participant or transferee of the rights of the Company or those of any other member of DBS Group in respect of the data subject; and

        ix. 1. any member of DBS Group;

        2. third party financial institutions, insurers, card companies, securities and investment services providers;

        3. third party reward, loyalty and privilege programme providers;

        4. co-branding partners of the Company and any other member of DBS Group (the names of such co-branding partners can be found in the application form(s) for the relevant services and products, as the case may be);

        5.charitable and non-profit making organisations; and

        6. external service providers (including but not limited to professional advisers, mailing houses, telecommunication companies, telemarketing and direct sales agents, call centres, data processing companies, information technology companies and market research firms), that the Company engages for the purposes set out in paragraph (d)(viii).

    Such information may be transferred to a place outside Hong Kong. Insofar as the PIPL is applicable to the Company’s process and/or use of the data subject’s data, the Company will obtain the data subject’s separate consent in relation to such international transfers.

    f. To the extent required under the PIPL, the Company will, prior to sharing the data subject’s personal data with third parties, notify the data subject of the name and contact details of the recipients, the purposes and means of processing and provision of the data subject’s personal data, and the types of personal data to be provided and shared, and obtain the data subject’s separate consent to the sharing of the data subject’s personal data. The foregoing data recipients will use the personal data to the extent necessary for the specific purposes set out in this Notice and store the personal data for the minimum length of time required to fulfil the purposes, or insofar as the PIPL is applicable to the Company’s process and/or use of the data subject’s data, in accordance with the PIPL.

    g. For the purpose of (d)(iv) above, the Company may from time to time access and obtain consumer credit data of the data subject from credit reference agencies for reviewing any of the following matters in relation to the credit facilities granted:

      i. an increase in the credit amount;

      ii. the curtailing of credit (including the termination of credit or a decrease in the facility amount); or

      iii. the putting in place or the implementation of a scheme of arrangement with the data subject.

      When the Company accesses consumer credit data about a data subject held with credit reference agencies, it must comply with the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data approved and issued under the Ordinance (the “Code”) and other relevant regulatory requirements.

    h. Of all the data which may be collected or held by the Company from time to time in connection with mortgages, the mortgage account general data relating to data subjects (including any updated data thereof) may be provided by the Company to credit reference agencies.

    Such mortgage account general data means the following data of the data subject: full name, capacity in respect of each mortgage (as borrower, mortgagor or guarantor), Hong Kong Identity Card or travel document number, date of birth, address, mortgage account number in respect of each mortgage, type of facility in respect of each mortgage, mortgage account status in respect of each mortgage (e.g. active, closed, write-off), (if any) mortgage account closed date in respect of each mortgage.

    Credit reference agencies will use the mortgage account general data supplied by the Company for the purposes of compiling a count of the number of mortgages from time to time held by a data subject, as borrower, mortgagor or guarantor respectively, for sharing in the consumer credit databases of credit reference agencies by credit providers (subject to the requirements of the Code).

    i. Some of the data collected by the Company may constitute sensitive personal data under the PIPL. The Company will only process sensitive personal data if strict protection measures are put in place and there is sufficient necessity to justify the processing. Insofar as the PIPL is applicable to the Company’s process and/or use of the data subject’s data, such sensitive personal data will be processed with the data subject’s separate consent.


    The Company intends to use the data subject’s data in direct marketing and the Company requires the data subject’s consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose.  In this connection, please note that:

      i. the name, contact details, products and services portfolio information, transaction pattern and behaviour, financial background and demographic data of the data subject held by the Company from time to time may be used by the Company in direct marketing;

      ii. the following classes of services, products and subjects may be marketed:

        1. financial, insurance, cards (meaning cards used to withdraw cash or pay for goods and services, including credit cards, debit cards, ATM cards, Cashline cards and stored value cards), banking and related services and products;

        2. reward, loyalty or privilege programmes and related services and products;

        3. services and products offered by the Company’s co-branding partners (the names of such co-branding partners can be found in the application form(s) for the relevant services and products, as the case may be); and

        4. donations and contributions for charitable and/or non-profit making purposes;

      iii. the above services, products and subjects may be provided or (in the case of donations and contributions) solicited by the Company and/or:

        1. any other member of DBS Group;

        2. third party financial institutions, insurers, card companies, securities and investment services providers;

        3. third party reward, loyalty or privilege programme providers;

        4. co-branding partners of the Company and any other member of DBS Group; and

        5. charitable or non-profit making organisations;

      iv. in addition to marketing the above services, products and subjects itself, the Company also intends to provide the data described in paragraph (j)(i) above to all or any of the persons described in paragraph (j)(iii) above for use by them in marketing those services, products and subjects, and the Company requires the data subject’s written consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose;

      v. the Company may receive money or other property in return for providing the data to the other persons in paragraph (j)(iv) above and, when requesting the data subject’s consent or no objection as described in paragraph (j)(iv) above, the Company will inform the data subject if it will receive any money or other property in return for providing the data to the other persons.

    If a data subject does not wish the Company to use or provide to other persons his/her data for use in direct marketing as described above, the data subject may exercise his/her opt-out right by notifying the Company at any time and without charge.  (To opt-out, please complete and return to us an opt-out form available on our website: or from any of our branches.)

    k. Transfer of personal data to data subject’s third party service providers using the Company application programming interfaces (“API”)

      The Company may, in accordance with the data subject’s instructions to the Company or third party service providers engaged by the data subject, transfer the data subject’s data to third party service providers using the Company’s API for the purposes notified to the data subject by the Company or third party service providers and/or as consented to by the data subject in accordance with the Ordinance.

    l. Under and in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance and (insofar as the PIPL is applicable to the Company’s process and/or use of the data subject’s data) the PIPL, and the Code, any data subject has the right:

      i. to check whether the Company holds data about him/her and access to such data;

      ii. to require the Company to correct any data relating to him/her which is inaccurate;

      iii. to ascertain the Company's policies and practices in relation to data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Company; and

      iv. in relation to consumer credit data (including data relating to mortgages) which has been provided by the Company to credit reference agencies:

        1. to request to be informed which items of data are routinely disclosed to credit reference agencies or debt collection agencies;

        2. be provided with further information to enable access and correction requests to be made to the relevant credit reference agency(ies) or debt collection agency(ies); and

        3. upon termination of the account by full payment, to instruct the Company to request the credit reference agency(ies) to delete any such data from its database, so long as the instruction is given within 5 years of termination and there has been no payment default in excess of 60 days in the 5 years immediately before account termination.

      v. insofar as the PIPL is applicable to the Company’s process and/or use of the data subject’s data:

        1. to request the Company to delete the data subject’s personal data;

        2. be object to certain uses of the data subject’s personal data;

        3. request an explanation of the rules governing the processing of the data subject’s personal data;

        4. to ask that the Company transfer personal data that the data subject has provided to the Company to a third party of the data subject’s choice under circumstances as provided under the PIPL;

        5. to withdraw any consent for the collection, processing or transfer of the data subject’s personal data (the data subject should note that withdrawal of consent may result in the Company being unable to open or continue accounts, or establish or continue banking facilities, or provide banking and other financial services, or provide supplies or services to the Company and data subjects); and

        6. to have decisions arising from automated decision making (ADM) processes explained and to refuse to such decisions being made solely by ADM;

    m. In the event of any default of payment relating to an account, unless the amount in default is fully repaid or written off (other than due to a bankruptcy order) before the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, the account repayment data may be retained by credit reference agencies until expiry of 5 years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default.  Account repayment data includes amount last due, amount of payment made during the last reporting period (being a period not exceeding 31 days immediately preceding the last contribution of account data by the Company to the credit reference agency), remaining available credit or outstanding balance, and default data (being amount past due and number of days past due, date of settlement of amount past due, and date of final settlement of amount in default lasting in excess of 60 days (if any)).

    n. In the event any amount in an account is written off due to a bankruptcy order being made against the data subject, the account repayment data (as defined in paragraph (m) above) may be retained by credit reference agencies, regardless of whether the account repayment data reveal any default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days, until expiry of 5 years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or expiry of 5 years from the date of discharge from bankruptcy as notified by the data subject with evidence to the credit reference agency(ies), whichever is earlier.

    o. The Company may obtain credit report(s) on or access the database of the data subject from credit reference agency(ies) in considering any application for credit or conducting credit reviews from time to time. In the event the data subject wishes to access the credit report, the Company will advise the contact details of the relevant credit reference agency(ies).

    p. Data of a data subject may be processed, kept, transferred or disclosed in and to any country as the Company or any person who has obtained such data from the Company referred to in paragraph (e) above considers appropriate.  Such data may also be processed, kept, transferred or disclosed in accordance with the local practices and laws, rules and regulations (including any governmental acts and orders) in such country, may be subject to a lower standard of protection. The relevant overseas authorities may have a right to access such data.

    The data may be outsourced to and/or processed by the agents, contractors or service providers (including other members of the DBS Group) whether within or outside Hong Kong. When using service providers, the Company will ensure that its service providers have appropriate business qualifications and capabilities, and will require that they adhere to security standards mandated by the Company. The Company may do this through contractual provisions, including any such provisions approved by a privacy regulator, and oversight of the service provider. Regardless of where personal data is transferred, the Company takes all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that personal data is kept securely.

    q. The Company may charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.

    r. Nothing in this Notice shall limit the rights of data subjects under the Ordinance and the PIPL.

    s. In accordance with the Ordinance and (insofar as the PIPL is applicable to the Company’s process and/or use of the data subject’s data) as permitted under the PIPL, data subjects may make data access or data correction requests or request information regarding policies and practices and kinds of data held. Such requests should be addressed to:
    The Data Protection Officer
    DBS Bank Ltd., Hong Kong Branch / DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
    73/F The Center
    99 Queen’s Road Central
    Hong Kong
    Facsimile: 2536 4307

    t. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

    July 2023

    1 A company incorporated in Singapore with limited liability.
    2 A company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability.
    3 A company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability.


These Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions") set out your responsibilities and obligations in respect of your use of the 3-D SECURETM Service (the "Service"). By using the Service, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and you agree to be bound by them.

The expressions defined in the terms and conditions governing the use of your Card shall bear the same meanings when used in these Terms and Conditions and also:
"we", "us" or "our" refers to DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and its successors and assigns;
"you" or "your" refers to the user of the Service;
“3-D SECURETM” refers to 3-Domain Secure, which is a protocol developed to improve the security of internet payment. Services based on the protocol and offered through us to you include Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, American Express SafeKey and any other such services offered from time to time.
“Merchant” refers to any person or entity who owns, manages or operates a merchant establishment, which could be a physical establishment, a website or a mobile device application, through which goods and/or services are distributed;
“One-time Password(s)” refers to the password(s) (or such other means of authentication as we may specify) issued to you from time to time to enable you to make payment through the internet using your Card with the Service; and
"SMS" refers to short message service which allows you to receive text messages sent through a mobile service network.
2.1  By using the Service, you will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to comply with these Terms and Conditions, which shall operate in addition to all other terms and conditions to which you are subject, including our applicable data policies, the terms and conditions governing the use of your Card, the terms and conditions governing the use of our website (including the DBS Bank Website Conditions of Use) and any security measures implemented by us from time to time in relation to the conducting of online and/or other transactions or the use of the Service.
2.2  In relation to the use of the Service, if there is any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and any other applicable terms and conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
3.1  You must provide us with such information (including but not limited to your mobile phone number) upon our request required for us to provide the Service to you. You must ensure that any information you provide to us is current, complete and accurate and agree to update such information as necessary to keep it current, complete and accurate. If you fail to provide us with or update any required information, we may not be able to provide the Service to you and this may result in your inability to use your Card for online and/or other transactions which require authentication through the Service.
3.2  You agree that all information provided by you, or that we obtained from any other sources or that arises from your relationship with us, or any other member of the DBS Group ("your Information") will be subject to the applicable data policies, notices and other communications to customers concerning your Information from time to time issued by us.
3.3  Your Information will be used to provide the Service, including transaction dispute resolution, as well as for record keeping and reporting purposes. You agree in particular that we may:
(a) verify, provide and collect information about you from other organizations, institutions or persons;
(b) transfer your Information outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”), including to Singapore;
(c) verify your Information with other data we have obtained, which may result in us taking certain actions including actions that may be adverse to your interests (such as declining your online transaction)
4.1  Through the use of the Service, you authorise us to authenticate your identity and your Card through the Service, to use your Card to make payments for the transactions concerned and debit your Card Account accordingly.
4.2  When conducting online transactions or other transactions for which the Service are used, each time, you are required to enter a One-time Password sent to you via SMS before the Merchant will accept your Card for payment of the transaction. If you cannot provide the One-time Password or if authentication through the Service fails, the Merchant may not accept your Card for payment of the relevant transaction. We shall not, in any circumstances, be liable for any loss or damages arising out of or in connection with a Merchant's refusal to accept your Card for payment.
4.3  You acknowledge that your mobile service provider may not allow you to receive the One-time Password via SMS if you are abroad or using an overseas mobile service network. In addition, service charges may be levied by the service provider for receiving the One-time Password. We shall not be liable for any such charges levied by the service provider or any other party.
4.4  Delivery of the One-time Password via SMS may be subject to delayed transmission due to the traffic over the mobile service network of your mobile service provider. We shall not be liable for any loss or damages arising out of any interruption or delays due to any failure of the mobile service network.
If there is any inconsistency between our internal records and any information held by you relating to your Cards and the related Card Account or your use of the Service, our internal records will prevail in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
6.1  The Service are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement.
6.2  Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with:
(a) your use of or access to (or inability to use or access) the Service; or
(b) any failure, error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in transmission of any data relating to the Service, unless it is caused solely by the negligence or willful default on our part or on the part of our staff or agents.
6.3  Under no circumstances are we liable for any special, incidental, indirect, consequential or exemplary loss or damages, including loss of profits, loss due to business interruption or loss of any programme or data in your computer system, regardless of whether we have been advised of that possibility.
6.4  We shall not be liable to you and/or any third party for any modification, non-availability, malfunctioning, suspension or discontinuance of the Service, whether within or outside our control.
6.5  You acknowledge that all obligations and liabilities relating to the quality, supply, sale and warranty of goods and/or services you purchased from any Merchant and/or any benefits, discounts or programmes of any Merchant that may be provided through the Service shall be the sole responsibility of the Merchant. You should resolve with the relevant Merchant any dispute and/or complaint arising out of or in connection with the goods and/ or services and/or any benefits, discounts or programmes of that Merchant. We have no responsibility or liability whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the goods and/or services and/or any benefits, discounts or programmes of a Merchant, including any act or omission to act by such Merchant. In spite of any non-delivery or non-performance by a Merchant or any defect in any goods and/or services, you shall remain liable to us for the full amount of the relevant transaction as shown in the Card Account statement.
7.1  You shall be liable for all transactions conducted through your Card using the Service (including use of the Service by any other person with your One-time Password), the amounts of which will be charged to your Card Account and shown in your Card Account statements. You shall indemnify us on demand in respect of all actions, claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses and any other liabilities of any nature which we may suffer or incur as a result of your use of the Service (including use of the Service by any other person using your One-time Password). You shall also be fully liable for all claims, losses and consequences arising out of or in connection with the use of the Service if you have acted negligently, dishonestly and fraudulently.
7.2  Provided that you have at all times complied with Clause 7.3, not breached any other provision of these Terms and Conditions and not acted negligently, dishonestly or fraudulently, you shall not be liable for any unauthorised transaction due to:
(a) a human or system error caused by or which is under our control (except where we have already taken steps to alert you to such error); or
(b) fraud or negligence on our part or on the part of our staff or agents.
7.3  You accept full responsibility for the security in using of the Service and the One-time Password and agree to act prudently and in good faith when using the Service, including by taking the measures listed below to safeguard the security of the Service and the One-time Password:
(a) you must not disclose to any other person or otherwise permit or enable any other person to obtain any One-time Passwords; and
(b) if there is any actual or suspected misuse of the One-time Password or the device used for receiving One-time Passwords, you must notify us as soon as reasonably practicable by calling our Customer Service Hotline at 2290 8888. Written confirmation of any such notification must be provided to us together with detailed information of the misuse within 24 hours. You must also follow our security recommendations (copies of which are provided on our website) and any other notices relating to the Service which we may issue from time to time. If you fail to fulfill your responsibilities under these Terms and Conditions or observe our security recommendations and/or any relevant notices, you shall be liable for all claims, losses, liabilities and consequences arising out of or in connection with the use of the Service (including use of the Service by any other person using your One-time Password)
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the Service or its use by you temporarily or permanently at any time, without prior notice, for any reason where we consider necessary or advisable to do so, including, but not limited to, when there is a suspected breach of security, or when we have reasonable grounds to suspect that the information you provided to us is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete. Any online or other transactions conducted using the Service prior to its termination or suspension will remain valid and you will continue to be bound by your liabilities and obligations under these Terms and Conditions in respect of such transaction.
We reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. For amendments which will affect your liabilities and obligations, we shall give at least 60 days’ notice to you prior to their taking effect unless such changes are not within the Bank’s control. We shall serve such notice on you by any means as we deem fit, including by posting such notices on our website or at our branches. Such amendments will become effective and binding on you on the effective date specified by us. Continuous use of the Service after the relevant effective date will constitute your acceptance of such amendments. If you do not accept any proposed changes, you should cease to use the Service prior to or from the relevant effective date. The latest version of these Terms and Conditions will be available from our website.
Any delay or failure by us to exercise our rights and/or remedies under these Terms and Conditions does not represent a waiver of any of our rights. We shall be considered to have waived our rights only if we specifically notify you of such waiver in writing.
We may assign all or any of our rights under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions to any third party (including upon any merger or amalgamation of us with any other entity). We may also transfer or delegate all or part of our duties and obligations hereunder to any third parties. Such rights of assignment, transfer or delegation may be exercised without notice to or consent from you, but will be subject to all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
If, at any time, any provision of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under any law of any jurisdiction, the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will not in any way be affected or impaired.
13.1  These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and each relevant party shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Hong Kong. 13.2  If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
A person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions may not enforce any of their provisions under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

Effective date: 15th June 2018


1. Application of the Reward Scheme
DBS$ Reward Scheme ("Reward Scheme") is only applicable to principal cardholders ("Cardholders") of personal credit cards (excluding DBS PayLess VISA, DBS VISA Business Card and COMPASS VISA ) ("Cards") issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank", which expression shall include its assigns and successors).
2. Choices of rewards under the Reward Scheme
2.1 Subject to application to each card type, under the Reward Scheme, Cardholders may choose to participate either in DBS$ Cash Rebate Scheme or DBS$ Redemption Scheme.
2.2 Subject to application to each card type, each Cardholder may change his/her choice under the Reward Scheme once each year by submitting the prescribed application form which can be downloaded from the Bank’s website at or calling our 24-hour Customer Services Hotline at 2290 8888. Any change in any choice under the Reward Scheme is subject to approval by the Bank and will take effect from the day following the date of the statement for the Card account issued after the Bank has approved the Cardholder’s application for the change. If a Cardholder applies to change his/her choice under the Reward Scheme from DBS$ Redemption Scheme to DBS$ Cash Rebate Scheme, each DBS$ earned before the effective date of the change will be converted into HK$1 cash rebate and shall be credited to the Card account automatically.
3. Accumulation of DBS$
3.1 Except as specified in clause 3.2 and 3.4 below, Cardholders shall earn DBS$1 for every HK$250 worth of Eligible Spending (as defined in clause 3.3 below). When calculating the entitlement to DBS$, the amount of each Eligible Spending will be rounded down to the nearest integral, decimal places (if any) will not be counted.
3.2 For DBS Black Card, DBS$1 will be awarded for such amount of Eligible Spending as specified by the Bank from time to time. For details, please refer to DBS Black Card DBS$ Conversion Rates at the Bank’s website
3.3 “Eligible Spending” includes all posted retail transactions and specified fund purchases. For a purchase under Card Interest-free Instalment Loan and Credit Card Interest-free Merchant Instalment Plan, a Cardholder earns DBS$ as and when the instalment is posted to the Card account. For the avoidance of doubt, the following types of transaction shall not fall under the scope of Eligible Spending: cash advances and relevant handling/administration fees, casino chips, foreign exchange, finance charges, reversed transactions, late charges, credit card annual fee, Call-a-loan, Balance Transfer, Funds Transfer, Flexi Shopping Programme, transactions in Hong Kong Dollars at the point of sales (in case of online transactions, the place of registration and/or settlement of the merchant) outside Hong Kong, insurance payment (not applicable for Manulife Credit Card), tax payment, bill payment transactions (made through DBS iBanking, JET Payment Service, the “Pay & Transfer” function of the mobile application or any other means as specified by the Bank from time to time), fund transfer transactions (made through the “Pay & Transfer” function of the mobile application or any other means as specified by the Bank from time to time), transactions that have been subject to cancellation, charge-back, return of goods and/or refund or any other types of transactions specified by the Bank from time to time.
3.4 For Eligible Spending related to (a) adding value to Octopus card by means of Octopus Automatic Add Value Service (“AAVS”) (including the application fee and handling fee in respect of the AAVS) or any other means specified by the Bank from time to time; (b) reloading of electronic wallets (including but not limited to PayMe, WeChat Pay and Alipay); and (c) spending conducted via electronic wallets including but not limited to PayMe, WeChat Pay and Alipay (except at merchants designated by the Bank from time to time) but other than Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay ((a), (b) and (c) are collectively referred to as “E-Wallet Spending”), Cardholder shall only earn DBS$ for the first HK$5,000 E-Wallet Spending in each calendar month. No DBS$ shall be earned for any E-Wallet Spending exceeding HK$5,000 in a calendar month.
3.5 Depending on the month in which the Card was approved by the Bank (“Card Approval Month”), DBS$ accumulated by a Cardholder will be valid until the end of the Card Approval Month each year, except that there shall be no expiry date applicable to DBS$ earned under DBS Live Fresh Card, DBS Eminent Card, DBS Platinum Credit Card, DBS Gold Card, DBS Classic Card or DBS Black Card. DBS$ shall not be redeemable after the relevant expiry date (if applicable).
4. Redemption of DBS$
4.1 Under the DBS$ Cash Rebate Scheme
Every DBS$1 earned in a statement cycle will be automatically converted into HK$1 cash rebate on the date of the statement issued for that statement cycle and credited to the Card account on the following day. The credit transaction shall be shown in the relevant statement and the amount due for that statement will be reduced by the amount of the cash rebate accordingly. For the avoidance of doubt, the amount of minimum payment for that statement shall be calculated in accordance with the reduced due amount.
4.2 Under the DBS$ Redemption Scheme
(a) Under the DBS$ Redemption Scheme, Cardholders may:
(i) redeem Asia Miles, PhoenixMiles Mileage Points or flying miles under any other frequent flyer program as the Bank may specify from time to time (collectively referred as “Flying Miles”), services, products or other items as made available by the Bank from time to time (together with Flying Miles, collectively referred as “Gifts”) through any channels as specified by the Bank from time to time; or
(ii) set off the amount payable for spending at merchants through the use of the InstaRedeem function of DBS Card+ at the rate of DBS$1 to HK$1 or at such other rates as specified by the Bank from time to time.
(b) Gifts available for redemption may vary from channel to channel. The Bank reserves the right to charge a handling fee for redemption.
(c) The Bank reserves the right to change the Gifts available for redemption and to specify and vary the amount of DBS$ required for redeeming Gifts from time to time without prior notice.
(d) Redemption of Gifts is subject to the DBS$ Redemption Offer Terms and Conditions applicable from time to time. For details, please refer to
5. Rewards accumulated in different Card accounts of a Cardholder cannot be combined. If there is a supplementary card under the Card account, Eligible Spending under a supplementary card will be deemed Eligible Spending under the principal Card account for calculation of entitlement to DBS$.
6. All rewards under the Reward Scheme (including but not limited to any DBS$ or cash rebate) are not transferrable or redeemable for cash.
7. Any DBS$ or cash rebate accumulated in the Card account will be forfeited upon the Card account being closed or if the account balance of the Card account is transferred to another account (including but not limited to upon the loss of a Card).
8. The Bank reserves the right to offer any reward under the Reward Scheme only to Cardholders whose Card account is determined at the sole discretion of the Bank to be in good standing and remain valid and not in default at all times and when the rewards are being credited to the Card account, otherwise the Bank may terminate the Reward Scheme for such Cardholder without notice.
9. Any fraud and/or abuse of the Reward Scheme by any person (as determined by the Bank at its sole discretion) will result in forfeiture of the person's eligibility to participate in the Reward Scheme and/or cancellation of all or part of the person's account(s) with the Bank.
10. The Bank reserves the right to deduct any reward awarded inappropriately to a Cardholder directly from any of the Cardholder's account(s) with the Bank without prior notice. In the event that any DBS$ is inappropriately awarded to a Cardholder and the relevant DBS$ has been utilized, the Bank reserves the right to charge the Cardholder from his/ her Card account (a) the equivalent market value of the item redeemed or the appropriate portion thereof (in the case of DBS$ Redemption Scheme) or (b) the dollar amount of DBS$ inappropriately awarded to the Cardholder on the conversion rate of HK$1 for every DBS$1 (in the case of DBS$ Cash Rebate Scheme or InstaRedeem is used) without prior notice. The Bank also reserves the right to take legal action in such instances to recover any outstanding amounts.
11. The Bank reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions and/or any feature of the Reward Scheme or terminate the Reward Scheme with notice. In the event of any dispute, decision of the Bank shall be final and binding on Cardholders.
12. A person who is not a party to these terms and conditions may not enforce any of its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
13. In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.


1. DBS$ redemption offer is only applicable to principal cardholders (“Cardholders”) who choose to participate in DBS$ Redemption Scheme under DBS$ Reward Scheme offered by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”, which expression shall include its assigns and successors).
2. Cardholders may redeem Asia Miles, PhoenixMiles Mileage Points or flying miles under any other frequent flyer program as the Bank may specify from time to time (collectively referred as “Flying Miles”), services, products or other items as made available by the Bank from time to time (together with Flying Miles, collectively referred as “Gifts”) through any channels as specified by the Bank from time to time with the specified amount of DBS$ or a combination of DBS$ and cash payment. Certain Gifts are applicable to selected card types only. Gifts are available while stock lasts.
3. Redemption and use of the Gifts may be subject to specified terms and conditions applicable to the Gifts.
4. To redeem Flying Miles, a Cardholder must be a member of the relevant frequent flyer program. Cardholders may register for the relevant membership by visiting the website of the operator of the relevant frequent flyer program.
5. Cardholders are required to provide the Cardholder’s membership number of the relevant frequent flyer program in order to redeem Flying Miles. Each redemption must be conducted in multiples of 1,000 Flying Miles and a handling fee as specified by the Bank from time to time will be charged for each redemption. For details of the handling fee, please refer to Use of the Flying Miles redeemed is subject to rules and regulations (as amended or supplemented from time to time) imposed by the operator of the relevant frequent flyer program.
6. Each application for redemption is subject to the relevant Card account having sufficient DBS$ and/or available credit limit in order to conduct the redemption and to the approval of the Bank and the operator of the relevant frequent flyer program (in the case of redemption of Flying Miles). The amount of DBS$ required for the redemption, the cash payment (if applicable), the handling fee and any other relevant charges (if applicable) will be deducted from the Cardholder’s Card account immediately upon the approval of the application for redemption. Processing of application for redemption usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks.
7. Upon successful redemption of Flying Miles, the Flying Miles redeemed will be credited to the specified frequent flyer program membership account automatically. For redemption of cash coupon, the cash coupon will be mailed to the Cardholder by ordinary or registered mail or a redemption letter will be sent to the Cardholder. For redemption of items with delivery service provided by the supplier or logistic company, the redeemed items will be delivered to the recipient‘s address provided by the Cardholder. Except as specified above, a redemption letter will be mailed to the correspondence address of the Cardholder on the Bank’s record. Redemption is subject to the terms and conditions on the redemption letter.
8. If a Cardholder submits more than one application for redemption or multiple items are redeemed in the same application when the Cardholder’s Card account does not have sufficient DBS$ and/or available credit limit to redeem all items, the Bank may at its sole discretion apply DBS$ and/or available credit limit to redeem items determined by the Bank as the Bank deems appropriate and deduct the required DBS$ and cash payment (if applicable) from the Card account.
9. No amendment or cancellation of redeemed items is acceptable upon submission of application for redemption (regardless of the submission channels).
10. The Bank will not accept any liability in relation to any loss incurred by a Cardholder arising out of any unsuccessful application for redemption caused by any reason or a Cardholder’s inability to use any Flying Miles redeemed.
11. The Bank is not a supplier of the Gifts, and will not accept any liability in relation to the quality of the products and services.
12. The Bank reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions with notice. In the event of any disputes, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding on Cardholders.
13. A person who is not a party to these terms and conditions may not enforce any of its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
14. In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

COMPASS CARD Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions

1. Application of the Reward Scheme
COMPASS CARD Reward Scheme (“Reward Scheme”) is only applicable to principal cardholders (“Cardholders”) of DBS COMPASS VISA (“Cards”) issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank", which expression shall include its assigns and successors).
2. Accumulation of COMPASS Dollar
2.1. Under the Reward Scheme, Cardholders shall earn $1 COMPASS Dollar for every HK$250 worth of Eligible Spending (as defined in clause 2.2 below). When calculating the entitlement to COMPASS Dollar, the amount of each Eligible Spending will be rounded to two decimal places.
2.2. “Eligible Spending” includes all posted retail transactions and specified fund purchases. For a purchase under Card Interest-free Instalment Loan and Credit Card Interest-free Merchant Instalment Plan, a Cardholder earns COMPASS Dollar as and when the instalment is posted to the Card account. For the avoidance of doubt, the following types of transaction shall not fall under the scope of Eligible Spending: cash advances and relevant handling/administration fees, casino chips, foreign exchange, finance charges, reversed transactions, late charges, credit card annual fee, Call-a-loan, Balance Transfer, Funds Transfer, Flexi Shopping Programme, transactions in Hong Kong Dollars at the point of sales (in case of online transactions, the place of registration and/or settlement of the merchant) outside Hong Kong, tax payment, bill payment transactions (made through DBS iBanking, JET Payment Service, the “Pay & Transfer” function of the mobile application or any other means as specified by the Bank from time to time), fund transfer transactions (made through the “Pay & Transfer” function of the mobile application or any other means as specified by the Bank from time to time), transactions that have been subject to cancellation, charge-back, return of goods and/or refund or any other types of transactions specified by the Bank from time to time.
2.3. COMPASS Dollar accumulated in different Card accounts of a Cardholder cannot be combined. If there is a supplementary card under the Card account, Eligible Spending under a supplementary card will be deemed as Eligible Spending under the principal Card account for calculation of entitlement to COMPASS Dollar.
2.4. There shall be no expiry date applicable to COMPASS Dollar earned.
3. Use of COMPASS Dollar
3.1. Cardholders may:
(a) redeem Asia Miles or flying miles under any other frequent flyer program as the Bank may specify from time to time (collectively referred as “Flying Miles”), services, products or other items made available by the Bank from time to time (together with Flying Miles, collectively referred as “Gifts”) through any channels as specified by the Bank from time to time; or
(b) set off the amount payable for spending at merchants through the use of the InstaRedeem function of DBS Card+ at the rate of $1 COMPASS Dollar to HK$1 or at such other rates as specified by the Bank from time to time.
3.2. Gifts available for redemption may vary from channel to channel. The Bank reserves the right to charge a handling fee for redemption.
3.3 The Bank reserves the right to change the Gifts available for redemption and to specify and vary the amount of COMPASS Dollar required for redeeming Gifts from time to time without prior notice.
3.4 Redemption of Gifts is subject to the COMPASS Dollar Redemption Offer Terms and Conditions applicable from time to time. For details, please refer to
4. All COMPASS Dollar earned under the Reward Scheme is not transferrable or redeemable for cash.
5. Any COMPASS Dollar accumulated in the Card account will be forfeited upon the Card account being closed or if the account balance of the Card account is transferred to another account (including but not limited to upon the loss of a Card).
6. The Bank reserves the right to offer reward under the Reward Scheme only to Cardholders whose Card account is determined at the sole discretion of the Bank to be in good standing and remain valid and not in default at all times and when the rewards are being credited to the Card account, otherwise the Bank may terminate the Reward Scheme for such Cardholder without notice.
7. Any fraud and/or abuse of the Reward Scheme by any person (as determined by the Bank at its sole discretion) will result in forfeiture of the person's eligibility to participate in the Reward Scheme and/or cancellation of all or part of the person's account(s) with the Bank.
8. The Bank reserves the right to deduct any reward awarded inappropriately to a Cardholder directly from any of the Cardholder's account(s) with the Bank without prior notice. In the event that any COMPASS Dollar is inappropriately awarded to a Cardholder and the relevant COMPASS Dollar has been utilized, the Bank reserves the right to charge the Cardholder from his/her Card account (a) the dollar amount of COMPASS Dollar inappropriately awarded to the Cardholder on the conversation rate of HK$1 for every $1 COMPASS Dollar (in the case of settlement of payment for transactions at merchants or InstaRedeem is used) or (b) the equivalent market value of the item redeemed or the appropriate portion thereof (in the case of items redemption) without prior notice. The Bank also reserves the right to take legal action in such instances to recover any outstanding amounts.
9. The Bank reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions and/or any feature of the Reward Scheme or terminate the Reward Scheme with notice. In the event of any dispute, decision of the Bank shall be final and binding on Cardholders.
10. A person who is not a party to these terms and conditions may not enforce any of its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
11. In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.


1. COMPASS Dollar redemption offer is applicable to the principal cardholders (“Cardholders”) who participate in COMPASS CARD Reward Scheme offered by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”, which expression shall include its assigns and successors).
2. Cardholders may redeem Asia Miles or flying miles under any other frequent flyer program as the Bank may specify from time to time (collectively referred as “Flying Miles”), services, products or other items as made available by the Bank from time to time (together with Flying Miles, collectively referred as “Gifts”) through any channels as specified by the Bank from time to time with the specified amount of COMPASS Dollar or a combination of COMPASS Dollar and cash payment. Certain Gifts are applicable to selected card types only. Gifts are available while stock lasts.
3. Redemption and use of the Gifts may be subject to specified terms and conditions applicable to the Gifts.
4. To redeem Flying Miles, a Cardholder must be a member of the relevant frequent flyer program. Cardholders may register for the relevant membership by visiting the website of the operator of the relevant frequent flyer program.
5. Cardholders are required to provide the Cardholder’s membership number of the relevant frequent flyer program in order to redeem Flying Miles. Each redemption must be conducted in multiples of 1,000 Flying Miles and a handling fee as specified by the Bank from time to time will be charged for each redemption. For details of the handling fee, please refer to Use of the Flying Miles redeemed is subject to rules and regulations (as amended or supplemented from time to time) imposed by the operator of the relevant frequent flyer program.
6. Each application for redemption is subject to the relevant Card account having sufficient COMPASS Dollar and/or available credit limit in order to conduct the redemption and to the approval of the Bank and the operator of the relevant frequent flyer program (in the case of redemption of Flying Miles). The amount of COMPASS Dollar required for the redemption, the cash payment (if applicable), the handling fee and any other relevant charges (if applicable) will be deducted from the Cardholder’s Card account immediately upon the approval of the application for redemption. Processing of application for redemption usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks.
7. Upon successful redemption of Flying Miles, the Flying Miles redeemed will be credited to the specified frequent flyer program membership account automatically. For redemption of cash coupon, the cash coupon will be mailed to the Cardholder by ordinary or registered mail or a redemption letter will be sent to the Cardholder. For redemption of items with delivery service provided by the supplier or logistic company, the redeemed items will be delivered to the recipient‘s address provided by the Cardholder. Except as specified above, a redemption letter will be mailed to the correspondence address of the Cardholder on the Bank’s record. Redemption is subject to the terms and conditions on the redemption letter.
8. If a Cardholder submits more than one application for redemption or multiple items are redeemed in the same application, when the Cardholder’s Card account does not have sufficient COMPASS Dollar and/or available credit limit to redeem all items, the Bank may at its sole discretion apply COMPASS Dollar and/or available credit limit to redeem items determined by the Bank as the Bank deems appropriate and deduct the required COMPASS Dollar and cash payment (if applicable) from the Card account.
9. No amendment or cancellation of redeemed items is acceptable upon submission of application for redemption (regardless of the submission channels).
10. The Bank will not accept any liability in relation to any loss incurred by a Cardholder arising out of any unsuccessful application for redemption caused by any reason or a Cardholder’s inability to use any Flying Miles redeemed.
11. The Bank is not a supplier of the Gifts, and will not accept any liability in relation to the quality of the products and services.
12. The Bank reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions with notice. In the event of any disputes, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding on Cardholders.
13. A person who is not a party to these terms and conditions may not enforce any of its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
14. In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

Effective date: 25th June 2024