Need Help – Funds Transfer


Funds Transfer Cut-Off Time

For Funds Transfer to My DBS Account & Other DBS Account

  Currency Week/Date Time To be processed by
Between Wealth Management Accounts Same Currency Mon - Sun 24 hours Real time
Currency Exchange^
Between Wealth Management Accounts & Banking Accounts#* Same Currency (except CNY to CNY) Mon - Sun 24 hours Real time
Currency Exchange^
CNY to CNY Mon - Thu 00:00 am to 7:59 am Same-Business Day after 8:00 am
8:00 am to 10:00 pm Real time
10:01 pm to 11:59 pm Next-Business Day
Fri 00:00 am to 7:59 am Same-Business Day after 8:00 am
8:00 am to 10:00 pm Real time
10:00 pm to 11:59 pm Unable to process
Sat, Sun and Public Holiday 24 hours Unable to process
Between Banking Accounts# Same Currency Mon - Sun 24 hours Real time

# “Banking Accounts” are Savings Account, Current Account, Save & Cheque Account, Multi-Currency Savings Account.

^ Every day between 4:55 am and 7:00 am, currency exchange service is unavailable for regular system maintenance.

* Same currency transfer and currency exchange services between Wealth management Accounts and Banking Accounts are unavailable from 11:59pm on every last bank business day of the month to 03:00 am on the first bank business day of next month.

For Funds Transfer to Other Local Recipients

  Submission Time of Instruction To be processed by Funds to be received
Transfer Now (via Faster Payment System) Mon - Sun 24 hours Real time* Real time*

* The exact timing of crediting funds to recipient's account will be subject to the operation of recipient bank.

For details of our general system maintenance, please click here.


Funds Transfers to My DBS Accounts

You can transfer HKD or other currencies between your various DBS Bank accounts.


Funds Transfers to Other Local Recipient

You can transfer funds to a third party account held at other local banks in HKD and CNY.

To transfer foreign currency to other local bank accounts, please go to “Transfer” > “DBS Remit and Overseas Transfer” and select “Hong Kong” as your destination. Please refer to the Bank Charges Schedule for details of service charges.



PayFast, Scan & Pay and receiving funds with your mobile number / email address

* The exact timing of crediting funds to recipient's account will be subject to the operation of recipient bank.

PayFast service is supported by Faster Payment System which is provided and operated by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited.
Use of PayFast or related bank services supported by Faster Payment System are subject to terms and conditions. Please refer to the terms and conditions relating to Faster Payment System under the Bank Account and Services Terms and Conditions.



Funds Transfers to Other DBS Accounts

You can transfer funds to a third party account held at DBS Bank in HKD.


Setting Up a Standing Instruction

Simply fill in your application details in English and click on "Submit" to proceed. Your request will normally be processed within 3 bank business days.


  1. Where the Payment Cycle is set to daily execution: If any Payment Date falls on a day which is not a bank business day, the transfer scheduled to be made on that Payment Date will be cancelled.
  2. Where the Payment Cycle is set to monthly execution: If any Payment Date falls on a day which is not a bank business day, the transfer scheduled to be made on that Payment Date will be postponed to the next bank business day. If any Payment Date falls on the last working day of the month and that is a Saturday, the standing instruction will be executed on the preceding bank business day. If the final Payment Date falls on a day that is not a bank business day, the transfer scheduled to be made on that Payment Date will be cancelled.
  3. Where a standing instruction involves foreign exchange: If the Bank is unable to execute the standing instruction due to insufficient funds in the debit account on any Payment Date, the standing instruction will be terminated and any uncompleted instructions under this standing instruction will be cancelled.

Please refer to the Bank Charges Schedule for details of service charges.

If you wish to amend a standing instruction in future, please download the Standing Instruction Amendment Form. Complete it and return it to any of our branches for processing.


Exchange Currency

You can exchange currencies between your DBS Bank accounts.


Manage Scheduled Currency Exchange

You can amend or delete a pending currency exchange by selecting the scheduled currency exchange under "Transfer" > "Exchange Currency" > "Manage Scheduled Currency Exchange".

You can view "All", "Completed", "Pending", "Rejected" or "Cancelled" scheduled currency exchanges under "Transaction status".



Amend Nickname of Registered Payee

To amend the nickname of your registered third party payee, simply click “Amend” and then enter a new nickname to proceed.

Note: DBS iBanking and DBS digibank HK share the same registered payee list.


Funds Transfer Schedule Summary

To amend or delete a pending funds transfer, please select the scheduled funds transfer and click on "Amend" or "Delete" to proceed. You are recommended to submit your request at least 1 business day before the Transaction Date. You can select "All", "Completed", "Pending", "Rejected" or "Cancelled" scheduled funds transfer(s) in "Transaction status".

Note: DBS iBanking and DBS digibank HK share the same funds transfer schedule summary.